All | c. (in negative sentences) i. (not) in the slightest, (not) in any way, (tdk) sama sekali, sama sekali (tdk); (colloq), (tdk) langsung: I didn’t say that at ~, saya sama sekali tdk berkata demikian; not at ~ worried, tdk khuatir sama sekali or sama sekali tdk khuatir; ii. (with negative adj) bukan [negative adj], (memang) [positive adj] juga: it’s not at ~ impossible, bukan tdk mungkin or (memang) mungkin juga; iii. (not) in reality, sebenarnya: they said he was sick, but he wasn’t at ~, mereka berkata dia sakit, tapi sebenarnya tidak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diametrically | adv completely, sama sekali, sekali-kali, langsung: the two point of view are ~ opposed, kedua-dua pendapat itu bertentangan sama sekali | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absolutely | adv 1. definitely, positively, completely, sama sekali, benar-benar: to refuse ~, enggan sama sekali; an ~ reliable secretary, setiausaha yg benar-benar dapat dipercayai; ~ wrong, salah sama sekali; ~ necessary, benar-benar perlu; 2. (as strong affirmative) tentu sekali, sudah /tentu, pasti/; "Do you agree?" "A~!", "Kamu setuju?" "Sudah tentu!"; 3. not relatively, secara mutlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fiasco | n gagal sama sekali: the dinner party was a total ~, majlis makan malam itu gagal sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | adv 1. completely, sama sekali, langsung: he ~ forgot about it, dia terlupa sama sekali ttg perkara itu; 2. in a clean manner, dgn bersih: a machine that washes ~, mesin yg membasuh dgn bersih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
batter1 | ~ st out of shape, /menghentam, memukuli/ sst hingga kemik-kemik; ~ st to pieces, 1. (act.) /membinasakan, memusnahkan/ sst sama sekali; (pass.) /binasa, musnah/ sama sekali: the ship was ~ed to pieces in the storm, kapal itu binasa sama sekali dipukul ribut; 2. subject to attack, criticism, a. (person) menyerang; b. (theory, opinion) mengecam (hebat), membidas (keras), menyerang: the theory was ~ed by critics, teori itu dikecam hebat oleh para pengkritik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earthly | adj 1. worldly, duniawi, keduniaan, di dunia: ~ riches, kekayaan duniawi; 2. conceivable, sama sekali, langsung: he hasn’t an ~ chance of success, tdk ada kemungkinan sama sekali dia akan berjaya; of no ~ use, tdk ada gunanya sama sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faint | ~ - hearted, pengecut; not have the ~est (idea, notion), /sama sekali, sedikit pun/ tdk tahu: I haven’t the ~est idea where we are, saya sama sekali tdk tahu di mana kita berada; he doesn’t have the ~est idea how to cook, dia sedikit pun tdk tahu bagaimana hendak memasak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | 4. least likely to happen or be true, sama sekali tdk akan: he is the ~ person I would have expected to help, dia merupakan orang yg sama sekali saya tdk sangka akan menolong; it’s the ~ thing I want to do, itu merupakan perkara yg sama sekali tdk akan saya lakukan; 5. final, (ter)akhir: these are my ~ words on the subject, ini kata-kata akhir saya ttg perkara tersebut; I only managed to see the ~ ten minutes of the news, saya hanya dapat melihat sepuluh minit yg akhir berita itu; she always leaves everything until the ~ moment, dia sering menangguhkan sst sehingga saat-saat terakhir; 6. endmost person or thing in queue, chain, etc, hujung sekali, paling hujung: the ~ shop in the row, kedai yg paling hujung dlm deretan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | in the ~ instance, pertama-tama; not have the ~ idea, (colloq) sama sekali tdk tahu: I didn’t have the ~ idea how to operate the machine, saya sama sekali tdk tahu bagaimana hendak menjalankan mesin ini; not know the ~ thing, (colloq) tdk tahu /apa pun, -menahu, biji butir/; put /so., st /~, /mengutamakan, mendahulukan/ /sso, sst/: “ I am sorry but I must put my career ~,” he declared pompously, “Maaf, saya mesti mengutamakan kerjaya saya,” dia berkata dgn angkuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |