glimmer | vi flicker, shine faintly, (of star, candle etc), /berkerdip, berkerlip, mengerdip, mengerlip/ samar-samar; (of dawn, light) kelihatan samar-samar: a candle could be seen ~ing in the window, cahaya lilin yg samar-samar kelihatan di tingkap; the light of dawn ~ed through the trees, cahaya fajar kelihatan samar-samar di celah-celah pokok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glimmer | n 1. flicker, faint glow, cahaya [sst] yg samar-samar; (of star, candle, etc) , /kerlipan, kerdipan/ cahaya [sst] yg samar-samar; (in negative constructions), /kerdipan, kerlipan/ cahaya: the ~ of dawn, cahaya fajar yg samar-samar; she saw the ~ of the lamp through the cracks in the wall, dia nampak kerdipan cahaya lampu yg samar-samar melalui rekahan pd dinding itu; there was not a ~ of light in the whole house, tdk ada langsung kerlipan cahaya di rumah itu; faint indication, sedikit: the latest development gave the hostages a ~ of hope, perkembangan terbaru memberikan harapan sedikit kpd tebusan-tebusan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glimmering | adj /berkerdip, berkerlip, mengerdip, mengerlip/ samar-samar: ~ stars, bintang-bintang yg berkerdip samar-samar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-light | n cahaya samar-samar: in the ~ I could barely distinguish the figures walking on the beach, dlm cahaya samar-samar itu saya sukar mengecam orang yg berjalan di pantai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grey area | n perkara yg /samar-samar, kabur/: this particular aspect is a ~ in the taxation regulations, dlm peraturan pencukaian aspek ini masih merupakan perkara yg samar-samar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambiguous | adj 1. admitting more than one interpretation, kabur, samar(-samar); (of word, phrase, etc) /kabur, samar(-samar)/ maknanya, taksa: an ~ answer, jawapan yg kabur; headlines are often ~, tajuk utama selalunya kabur maknanya; the phrase “Maniam and Rani’s cousin” is ~, frasa “sepupu Maniam dan Rani” bersifat taksa; 2. uncertain, tdk jelas; (of look, smile, etc) tdk jelas maknanya: his position in the firm’s hierarchy was rather ~, kedudukannya dlm hirarki firma itu agak tdk jelas; 3. difficult to classify, tdk jelas (+ approp n): a rock of ~ character, batu yg tdk jelas jenisnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back-handed | give so. a ~ slap, menampar sso dgn belakang tangan; 2. equivocal, ambiguous, samar-samar maksudnya: a ~ compliment, pujian yg samar-samar maksudnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indistinctness | n quality of not being clear, a. (to the eyes) kelihatan /tdk jelas, samar-samar, kabur/; b. (to the ears) kedengaran tdk jelas; c. (to the mind) samar-samar, kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indistinct | adj not clear, a. (to the eyes) kelihatan /tdk jelas, samar-samar, kabur/: the outline of the mountain was ~ in the fog, bentuk gunung itu kelihatan tdk jelas dlm kabut; b. (to the ears) kedengaran tdk jelas: an ~ cry, jeritan yg kedengaran tdk jelas; c. (to the mind) samar-samar, kabur: my memory of the occasion is ~ now, ingatan saya sekarang ttg peristiwa itu samar-samar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Delphian, Delphic | adj obscure, samar(-samar), kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |