guise | n samaran; in a /new, different, etc/ ~, dlm samaran /baru, yg berlainan, dll/: old theories in a new ~, teori-teori lama dlm samaran baru; under the ~ of, (st) dgn bertopengkan; (doing st) dgn berpura-pura: it was all done under the ~ of friendship, semua itu dilakukan dgn bertopengkan persahabatan; under the ~ of offering comfort, he was able to win the widow’s affections, dgn berpura-pura menenangkan hatinya dia berjaya membuat janda itu sayang padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
camouflage | n 1. way, means of disguising, penyamaran: various means of ~ to deceive the enemy air force, pelbagai cara penyamaran utk memperdaya angkatan udara musuh; 2. disguise, samaran: the white fur of the polar bear is a natural ~, bulu putih beruang kutub merupakan samaran semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assumed | adj 1. fictitious, palsu, samaran: an ~ name, nama palsu; 2. pretended, false, dibuat-buat: ~ cheerfulness, keriangan yg dibuat-buat; 3. taken for granted, diandaikan: the ~ load, beban yg diandaikan; 4. usurped, appropriated, dirampas, direbut: an ~ power, kuasa yg dirampas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disguise | n 1. act of disguising, penyamaran, menyamar; 2. st that conceals o’s identity, samaran; be in ~, menyamar; in the ~ of, menyamar sbg: he went to the party in the ~ of a wizard, dia pergi ke majlis itu dgn menyamar sbg tukang sihir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |