come | 5. extend, reach, sampai: her skirt came to her knees, skirtnya sampai ke lutut; her hair came (down) to her waist, rambutnya sampai ke pinggang; she ~s up to his chest, tingginya sampai ke paras dada lelaki itu; 6. happen, [various translations]: nothing came of it, tdk ada hasil apa pun; success ~s when you work hard, kejayaan akan tercapai jika kamu bekerja keras; they promised no harm would ~ to us, mereka berjanji tdk akan mengapakan kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ down to, a. reach, sampai ke: her hair ~s down to just below the ears, rambutnya sampai ke cuping telinga; their land ~s down to the foot of the hill, tanah mereka sampai ke kaki bukit; b. boil down to, berpokok pd: it all ~s down to jealousy, semuanya berpokok pd rasa cemburu; when it ~s down to, apabila kita bercakap ttg: when it ~s down to batik design, no one can match him, apabila kita bercakap ttg reka bentuk batik, tiada seorang pun yg dapat menandinginya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ through to, a. (of supplies, reinforcements, message, etc) arrive, sampai kpd: the goods eventually got through to her after having been sent to the wrong address, barang-barang itu akhirnya sampai kepadanya setelah dihantar ke alamat yg salah; your message did ~ through to me, pesan kamu sampai kpd saya; b. (of person) succeed in reaching, dapat sampai ke tempat: the rescuers got through to the trapped miners, pasukan penyelamat dapat sampai ke lohong tempat pekerja-pekerja lombong itu terperangkap; c. contact by telephone, radio, etc, menghubungi: I couldn’t ~ through to him because his telephone is out of order, saya tdk dapat menghubunginya krn telefonnya rosak; d. make (so.) listen to or understand what one is saying, membuat [sso] faham: he’s so pig-headed that there’s no ~ting through to him, dia begitu keras kepala sehingga tdk mungkin kami dapat membuat dia faham; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ to, a. reach, /sampai, tiba/ di: by the time she had got to the airport, her friend had already left, apabila dia sampai di lapangan terbang, kawannya telah pun berlepas; they got to him just before I did, mereka sampai di rumahnya sejurus sebelum saya tiba; b. disappear to, pergi, menghilang: (of st), [not translated]: where has that boy got to now?, ke mana pula budak itu menghilang?; I don’t know where my bank book has got to, saya tdk tahu di mana buku bank saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knowing | n sampai ke pengetahuan, mengetahui: to prevent his ~ about this, utk mengelakkan perkara itu sampai ke pengetahuannya; there is no ~, tdk dapat diramalkan, tdk sesiapa yg tahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunt | ~ down, memburu sampai dapat: the police dogs ~ed down the criminal, anjing-anjing polis memburu penjenayah itu sampai dapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hound | ~ so. down, memburu sso sampai dapat: the police were determined to ~ down the bank robber, pihak polis berazam akan memburu perompak bank itu sampai dapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | from ~ to /foot, toe/, dr hujung rambut sampai ke hujung kaki: he was drenched from ~ to foot, dia basah kuyup dr hujung rambut sampai ke hujung kaki; get it into o’s ~ (that), mengerti, memahami: can’t you get it into your ~ that he is not coming back?, tidakkah kamu mengerti bahawa dia tdk akan balik semula?; /give so., let so. have/ his ~, membiarkan sso berbuat sesuka hati; go to so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ up to, a. reach, sampai ke: when the tide is in, the water comes up to his garden, apabila air pasang, air naik sampai ke halaman rumahnya; b. approach, (of person) menghampiri, mendekati, merapati; (of time) hampir: the child came up to her and kissed her on the cheek, anak itu mendekatinya lalu mencium pipinya; the time is coming up to midnight, waktu hampir tengah malam; c. equal, seperti: her work does not ~ up to the mark, kerjanya tdk seperti yg diharapkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | ~ of the dead, alam selepas mati; make ~, (naut) sampai ke darat: at last they made ~, akhirnya mereka sampai ke darat; see how the ~ lies, memahami kedudukannya: let's see how the ~ lies before we do anything, marilah kita memahami kedudukannya sebelum kita berbuat sesuatu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |