lambaste, lambast | vt (colloq) 1. thrash, whip violently, membelasah, menyesah: they ~d the hooligans, mereka membelasah samseng-samseng itu; 2. criticize harshly, menghentam, mengecam: the newspaper really ~d him, akhbar itu betul-betul mengecamnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anthropoid | adj 1. manlike, antropoid; 2. (colloq) apelike, human only in form, bersifat spt beruk: those ~ mobsters, samseng-samseng yg bersifat spt beruk itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimidate | vt (frighten) menakut-nakuti, menakuti; (coerce with threats or violence) mengugut: she is easily ~d, dia mudah ditakut-takuti; the gangsters ~d the boy into helping them rob the petrol station, samseng-samseng tersebut mengugut budak itu supaya membantu mereka merompak stesen minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bash | ~up, (accidentall/y) remuk, musnah, hancur: he ~ed up his motor cycle in the race, motosikalnya remuk dlm perlumbaan itu; ~ so. up, /menghentam, memukul/ sso: he was ~ed up by thugs and left by the side of the road, dia dihentam oleh samseng-samseng dan ditinggalkan di tepi jalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoodlum | n 1. gangster, samseng; 2. hooligan, budak /jahat, nakal/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assail | vt 1. attack (with blows or words) menyerang: three thugs ~ed him in the dark, tiga orang samseng menyerangnya dlm gelap; to ~ so. with harsh words, menyerang sso dgn kata-kata kesat; 2. overwhelm (with questions, etc) menghujani: as soon as he came out of the court-house he was ~ed with questions, sebaik sahaja dia keluar dari mahkamah dia dihujani soalan; 3. beset, disturb, melanda, menyerang: to be ~ed by doubts, dilanda kesangsian; 4. encounter with intention of overcoming, mastering, a. (problems, difficulty) mencuba menyelesaikan: to ~ a problem, mencuba menyelesaikan masalah; b. (task etc) melakukan: he ~ed the task with vigour, dia melakukan kerja itu dgn penuh semangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |