crass | adj 1. (stupid) bodoh: ~ behaviour, perangai bodoh; 2. (utter) amat sangat: ~ stupidity, kebodohan yg amat sangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flipping | adj & adv betul, sangat: he’s a ~ing idiot, dia bodoh betul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fond | 3. indulgent, suka memanjakan (sso): a ~ mother, ibu yg suka memanjakan anaknya; 4. foolishly, naively cherished, [various translations]: the superintendent laughed at my ~ fancies, penyelia itu ketawa mendengar khayalan saya yg bodoh itu; she had a ~ belief that Mr Edwards would re-employ her, dia percaya dgn tulus hati bahawa En. Edwards akan mengambil dia bekerja kembali; it is so’s ~ /hope, wish, etc /, sso sangat /ingin + approp v, berharap/: it was her ~ wish that the two should marry, dia sangat ingin melihat or dia sangat berharap mereka berdua berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fussy | adj 1. over-ornamented, lebih dihiasi: the furniture was too ~ for the small room, perabot itu terlalu lebih dihiasi utk bilik kecil itu; 2. agitatedly busy, bustling, suka buat kecoh: a silly, ~ woman, perempuan bodoh yg suka buat kecoh; 3. fastidious, cerewet: she’s very ~ about her house, dia sangat cerewet ttg rumahnya; he’s ~ over details, dia cerewet ttg perincian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |