close | ~ - cropped, /digunting, dipotong/ pendek; ~ - set, rapat: ~ - set eyes, mata rapat; a ~ /shave, call, thing/, nyaris-nyaris + approp v : he survived the operation, but it was a ~ shave, dia selamat menjalani pembedahan walaupun dia nyaris-nyaris mati; ~ to so’s heart, sangat diminati sso: wild life preservation is a subject ~ to her heart, pemeliharaan hidupan liar adalah perkara yg sangat diminatinya; at ~ quarters, dr dekat, dekat-dekat: she was even more beautiful at ~ quarters, malah dia kelihatan lebih cantik dr dekat; in ~ proximity, dekat-dekat, rapat-rapat: they were sitting in ~ proximity, mereka duduk rapat-rapat; /keep, lie/ ~, bersembunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | (to a book, magazine, etc) melampirkan: ~ed you will find..., bersama-sama surat ini dilampirkan...; there is a corrigendum ~ed to the book, ada ralat yg dilampirkan pd buku itu; h. (by suspending) menggantung: to ~ a weight to a fishing line, menggantungkan pemberat pd tali kail; 2. (usu pass.), (part of building) dgn berkembar: a house with a garage ~ed, rumah garaj berkembar; 3. (usu pass.) appoint for special, temporary duties, menempatkan sbg pegawai sangkut: a new interpreter will be ~ed to our unit, jurubahasa yg baru akan ditempatkan di unit kita sbg pegawai sangkut; 4. (leg.) arrest, seize (person, property, etc) with authority, menahan; 5. (usu pass.) bind by personal ties, rapat; (to st other than person) sayang akan: he is deeply ~ed to his younger sister, dia sangat rapat dgn adik perempuannya; having lived there for many years, he is really ~ed to the place, krn sudah bertahun-tahun tinggal di sana, dia sangat sayang akan tempat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimate 1 | adj 1. close, familiar, rapat, mesra: he is ~ with the author, dia rapat dgn penulis itu; this ~ relationship lasted a lifetime, hubungan mesra ini berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat; we were never ~ with our neighbours, kami tdk pernah rapat dgn jiran; ~ friend, kawan /karib, rapat/, sahabat rapat; be on ~ terms, sangat mesra: the two are on ~ terms, mereka berdua sangat mesra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deeply | adv1. far down, jauh ke dalam: to dig ~, menggali jauh ke dalam; 2. extremely, amat, sungguh, sangat: a ~ moving story, cerita yg amat menyayat hati; to be ~ offended, amat tersinggung; to feel so’s death ~, amat merasakan kematian sso; 3. soundly, dgn /lenanya, nyenyaknya, lenyaknya/: to sleep ~ and dreamlessly, tidur dgn nyenyaknya tanpa bermimpi; 4. as though looking right into so’s mind, jauh ke dlm: they stood close together and looked ~ into each other’s eyes, mereka berdiri rapat-rapat dan merenung jauh ke dlm mata satu sama lain; 5. as though filling or using o’s whole lungs, panjang: to sigh ~, mengeluh panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | adv near, dekat, rapat: don’t come too ~, jangan datang dekat sangat; to follow ~ behind, mengekori dekat di belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |