literature | 1. creative writings, kesusasteraan, sastera: he tried to get his pupils interested in ~, dia mencuba menanamkan minat dlm kesusasteraan pd pelajar-pelajarnya; 2. writings of a particular country, culture, period, etc, kesusasteraan: Malay ~, kesusasteraan Melayu; 3. all the books, articles on a particular subject, kepustakaan, maklumat: there is now an extensive ~ on fish farming, sekarang sangat banyak kepustakaan ttg penternakan ikan; 4. pamphlets, leaflets, risalah: campaign ~, risalah kempen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
literary | adj 1. pertaining to literature, kesusasteraan, sastera: ~ works, karya kesusasteraan; 2. fond of, knowledgeable about, producing literature, sasterawan: in ~ circles, di kalangan sasterawan; a ~ man, sasterawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
medieval | adj 1. of the Middle Ages, Zaman Pertengahan: ~ literature, sastera Zaman Pertengahan; 2. (colloq) old-fashioned, kuno: their equipment were positively ~, peralatan mereka betul-betul kuno. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evolve | vi 1. (fml) develop naturally, berkembang: the folk literature that had ~d over the centuries, sastera rakyat yg telah berkembang dlm kurun-kurun itu; 2. (biol) berevolusi: the theory that man ~d from the apes has not been proved, teori bahawa manusia berevolusi drpd beruk tdk dapat dibuktikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prestigious | adj 1. having high status, berprestij: the most ~ position in the public service,jawatan yg paling berprestij dlm perkhidmatan awam; 2. conferring or recognizing high status, unggul, ulung: a very ~ literary award, anugerah sastera yg unggul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appraise | vt 1. estimate price, cost of, menilai, menaksir: to ~ the estate of the deceased, menilai harta si mati; 2. evaluate the quality, significance, etc of, menilai: to ~ Tagore’s contribution to literature, menilai sumbangan Tagore thdp sastera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prostitution | n 1. practice of selling os physically for money, pelacuran, persundalan: ~ was rife in the city, pelacuran menjadi-jadi di kota raya itu; 2. (fml) debasement, penyalahgunaan: the novel is an example of literary ~, novel itu adalah sebuah contoh penyalahgunaan dlm bidang sastera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bachelor | n 1. unmarried man, /lelaki, orang/ bujang; (specif young bachelor) teruna, orang bujang; /remain, stay/ a ~, (hidup) membujang; 2. (attrib), (masih) bujang: in my ~ days, sewaktu saya masih bujang; 3. (holder of) first degree, Sarjana Muda: B~ of Arts, Sarjana Muda Sastera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
award | n 1. st conferred, bestowed, a. (prize) hadiah: his horse was given the highest ~ in the show, kudanya diberi hadiah tertinggi dlm pertunjukan itu; b. (honour) anugerah; (given by head of state) anugerah, kurnia(an): the National Literary A~, Anugerah Sastera Negara; c. (grant) hadiah bantuan: a postgraduate ~, hadiah bantuan ijazah lanjutan; 2. decision made by judge, arbitrator, award: to set aside an ~, mengetepikan sst award; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essential | adj 1. (extremely important) penting; (very necessary), (sangat) perlu: it is ~ that the targets we set are realistic, adalah penting bahawa matlamat yg kita tetapkan realistik; oxygen is ~ to human life, oksigen adalah perlu utk kehidupan manusia; experience is ~ for this position, pengalaman adalah perlu utk jawatan ini; 2. basic, fundamental, asas, pokok: an ~ feature of the literary works of that period, ciri asas karya-karya sastera zaman itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |