kindred | n 1. see KINSHIP; 2. o’s relations, sanak saudara, saudara mara, (kaum) kerabat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kin | n 1. family, keluarga: to come of good ~, dr keluarga yg baik; 2. relations, kaum kerabat, (kaum) keluarga, saudara (-mara), sanak saudara; near of ~, saudara /rapat, dekat/; next of ~, waris yg terd | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fraternal | adj 1. brotherly, saudara: ~ love, kasih sayang saudara; 2. of, rel to a fraternity, persaudaraan: to send ~ greetings to all members, mengirim salam persaudaraan kpd semua ahli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blood-brother | n 1. (by birth) /saudara, abang, adik/ /sedarah daging, kandung, seibu sebapa/; 2. (by ceremonial mingling of each other’s blood) saudara sumpah darah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ st against so., a. let st affect o’s judgement, /mendendami, menaruh dendam thdp/ sso: I will not ~ it against you that your father ill-treated me once, saya tdk akan mendendami saudara krn ayah saudara pernah menganiaya saya; b. take st into account, mengambil kira: your past should not be held against you, masa lalu kamu tdk patut diambil kira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fratricide | n 1. act of killing o’s brother or sister, pembunuhan saudara; 2. person who kills his brother or sister, pembunuh saudara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grateful | adj 1. full of gratitude, sangat berterima kasih, terhutang budi: we are ~ to you for all that you’ve done for us, kami terhutang budi pd saudara atas segala yg telah saudara lakukan utk kami; so. is ~ that, sso bersyukur: he was ~ that they didn’t ask to see his licence, dia bersyukur mereka tdk hendak melihat lesennya; so. would be ~ if, bolehkah: I’d be ~ if you could keep an eye on the children while I’m out shopping, bolehkah kamu menengok-nengok budak-budak ini semasa saya pergi membeli barang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forfeit | vt 1. lose as a penalty, kehilangan: he had ~ed all right to the inheritance when he married a commoner, dia telah kehilangan segala hak atas warisannya apabila dia mengahwini orang kebanyakan; if you commit another violation you will ~ a point, kalau saudara melanggar peraturan sekali lagi, saudara akan kehilangan satu mata; 2. sacrifice, mengorbankan: I have ~ed much free time to make a success of this project, saya telah banyak mengorbankan masa lapang utk menjayakan projek ini; some of the scientists present at the tests ~ed their lives for science, beberapa ahli sains yg hadir semasa ujian-ujian itu telah mengorbankan nyawa mereka demi sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ear1 | have a word in your ~, bercakap (sedikit) dgn saudara; /have gain, win/ the ~ of so., kata-katanya /didengar, dilayani/ (oleh) sso: she was fortunate enough to have the ~ of the king, dia bertuah krn kata-katanya didengar oleh raja; keep o’s ~s open, keep o’s ~s to the ground, sentiasa memasang telinga: he keeps his ~s open for the latest gossip, dia sentiasa memasang telinga utk mendengar cerita-cerita baru; lend so. o’s ~(s, memberikan perhatian kpd sso; on the ~, didengar, pd /pendengaran, telinga/ sso: music that falls sweetly on the ~, muzik yg sedap didengar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-blood | n 1. relationship between individuals, a. (having the same mother) bersaudara /tiri, seibu/; b. (having the same father) bersaudara /tiri, sebapa/; 2. person related a. (through the same mother) saudara /tiri, seibu/; b. (through the same father) saudara /tiri, sebapa/; 3. person of mixed race, (orang) kacukan; 4. (domestic animal), (binatang) kacukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |