close | adj 1. near, dekat: at ~ range, pd jarak dekat; a house ~ to the road, rumah yg dekat dgn jalan; 2. compact, rapat-rapat: the soldiers marched in ~ order, askar-askar itu berkawat dlm barisan yg rapat-rapat; it was difficult to read the ~ print, sukar utk membaca tulisan yg rapat-rapat itu; 3. intimate, karib, rapat: a ~ friend, kawan rapat; 4. near in relationship, rapat: ~ relatives, saudara rapat; 5. thorough, rigorous, teliti: a ~ inspection, pemeriksaan teliti; a ~ study, kajian yg teliti; pay ~ attention, perhatikan dgn teliti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kin | n 1. family, keluarga: to come of good ~, dr keluarga yg baik; 2. relations, kaum kerabat, (kaum) keluarga, saudara (-mara), sanak saudara; near of ~, saudara /rapat, dekat/; next of ~, waris yg terd | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friend | 4. supporter (of cause, fight, party, etc) penyokong: he’s no ~ of our movement, dia bukan penyokong gerakan kita; 5. st helpful, teman: diamonds are a girl’s best ~, berlian ialah teman wanita yg paling rapat; 6. person who is not an enemy, kawan: “who goes there? F~ or foe?”, “siapa tu? Kawan atau lawan?”; 7. a. term used when addressing a group of people, saudara sekalian, saudara-saudara; (colloq) kawan-kawan, teman-teman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | adj & adv 1. close, a. (in space) dekat: the station is very ~ (to the hotel), stesen dekat sekali (dgn hotel); the ~est town is 50 km. away, bandar yg paling dekat 50 km dr sini; ~ neighbours, jiran dekat; move your chair ~er, alih kerusi kamu dekat sedikit; b. (in time) dekat, hampir: the New Year is ~, Tahun Baru sudah hampir; c. (in relationship) dekat, rapat: he is a ~ relative of mine, dia saudara dekat saya; d. (to action or event) hampir(-hampir) (+ approp v): | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |