hook | n 1. bent, curved piece of metal for hanging etc, (pen)cangkuk: curtain ~s, cangkuk langsir; a large ~ at the end of the crane, cangkuk besar di hujung kren; crochet ~, jarum kait; 2. also fish hook, mata kail; 3. curved cutting tool, sabit: reaping-~, sabit tuai; 4. (geog) cangkuk; 5. (in golf, cricket) pukulan lengkung; 6. (in boxing) tumbukan sauk; /right, left/ ~, sauk /kanan, kiri/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hook | vt 1. secure (as if) with hook(s) mencangkukkan: he ~ed the umbrella over his arm, dia mencangkukkan payung pd tangannya; he ~ed the trailer onto the back of the truck, dia mencangkukkan trailer itu pd belakang trak; 2. grasp with hook, mengait: he was able to ~ the cap out of the water, dia dapat mengait topi yg di dlm air itu; 3. catch on a hook, memancing, mengail: to ~ a fish, memancing ikan; 4. catch, memancing: she hopes to ~ a rich husband, dia berharap dapat memancing suami yg kaya; 5. (in golf, cricket) memukul lengkung; 6. (in boxing) membuat tumbukan sauk pd; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |