as | prep, conj & adv 1. in the capacity, role, form, etc of, sebagai: he emerged ~ the only suitable candidate, dia muncul sebagai satu-satunya calon yg sesuai; the cloud first appeared ~ a speck on the horizon, awan itu mula-mula kelihatan sebagai bintik di kaki langit; 2. (foll verbs such as “regard”, “acknowledge”) sebagai, [often not translated]: the film is classified ~ suitable only for adults, filem itu digolongkan sebagai (filem yg) sesuai utk orang dewasa saja; he regards all students ~ his friends, dia menganggap semua mahasiswa sebagai kawannya; 3. (indicating) a. (grounds) /kerana, oleh sebab/ dianggap, atas alasan: the machine was rejected ~ (being) unsuitable, mesin itu ditolak kerana dianggap tdk sesuai or mesin itu ditolak atas alasan tdk sesuai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capacity | 4. position, role, tugas: in his official ~, dlm tugas rasminya; in (o’s) ~ as, (with intransitive verb) sebagai; (with transitive verb) kerana: he made the statement in his ~ as head of the delegation, dia membuat kenyataan itu sebagai ketua delegasi; certain privileges were granted to him in his ~ as the chairman of the bank, beberapa keistimewaan diberikan kepadanya kerana dia pengerusi bank; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | b. as far as so. is concerned, bagi: ~ the old woman day and night were the same, bagi perempuan tua itu siang dan malam sama saja; ~ me, it doesn’t matter whether they come or not, bagi saya tdk menjadi hal mereka datang atau tidak; 16. as being (part of) sebagai, [sometimes various translations]: he wanted her ~ his wife, dia ingin menjadikan gadis itu isterinya; they chose him ~ their leader, mereka memilihnya sebagai ketua; he used the saucer ~ an ashtray, dia menggunakan piring itu sebagai tempat abu rokok; I don’t know ~ certain, saya tdk pasti; they beat him up and left him ~ dead, mereka memukulinya dan meninggalkannya krn difikirkan dia telah mati; to be sold ~ slaves, dijual sebagai abdi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intend | ~ so. for, a. destine so. for, (use pass.) dimaksudkan: being a highly talented child, he seems ~ed for the stage, sebagai kanak-kanak yg sangat berbakat, nampaknya dia dimaksudkan menjadi pelakon pentas; b. propose that so. should enter (profession) mahu sso menjadi: it is said that they ~ed their son for the church, menurut kata orang, mereka mahu anak lelaki mereka menjadi paderi; ~ st for so.; be ~ed for so., untuk sso; (st specially made, prepared for so.) approp v + utk: whatever property I have is ~ed for my children, apa sahaja harta yg saya ada adalah utk anak-anak saya; the wine that he drank was ~ed for you, wain yg diminumnya sebenarnya dimaksudkan utk kamu; ~ st for st; be ~ed for st, untuk sst: these goods are not ~ed for sale, barang-barang ini bukan untuk dijual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conclusion | n 1. (end, termination) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (closing part) bahagian akhir; (of book, speech, etc) kesimpulan; in ~, akhir sekali, sebagai penutup; 2. deduction, kesimpulan; /come to, reach/ a ~, membuat kesimpulan; draw a ~, membuat kesimpulan; jump to ~s, membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. act of arranging and setting, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) pengikatan: the ~ of the trade agreement with Bulgaria, pengikatan perjanjian perdagangan dgn Bulgaria; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) pencapaian persetujuan dlm; c. (alliance) pembentukan, d. (compromise) pencapaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | bergurau: he is one of those who can’t take a ~, dia salah seorang yg tdk dapat diajak bergurau; /take st for, treat st as/ a ~, menganggap sst sebagai /jenaka, gurauan/; /tell, crack, make/ a ~, berjenaka, melawak: he is fond of telling ~s, dia suka berjenaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |