household word, household name | n (approp n +) sebutan ramai: his name is a ~, namanya menjadi sebutan ramai; “Colgate” has long been a ~, “Colgate” telah lama menjadi jenama sebutan ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diction | n 1. choice of vocabulary, diksi, pemilihan kata: poetic ~, diksi puitis; 2. manner of enunciation, /gaya, cara/ sebutan: to improve o’s ~, memperbaik gaya sebutan sso | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correct | vt 1. make right, rectify, membetulkan: to ~ o’s pronunciation, membetulkan sebutan; to ~ mistaken beliefs, membetulkan anggapan yg salah; to ~ an injustice, membetulkan ketidakadilan; to ~ the curvature of the spine, membetulkan lengkungan tulang belakang; 2. mark errors in, memeriksa: to ~ examination papers, memeriksa kertas peperiksaan; 3. reprove, menegur; (when the error is not specified) menegur + approp n: the boss ~ed him for his carelessness, bos menegurnya krn kecuaiannya; she ~ed him after the guests had left, dia menegur kesilapan lelaki itu selepas tetamu pulang; I stand ~ed, saya menerima teguran itu; 4. (archaic) punish, menghukum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burr2 | vt 1. pronounce with burr, menggetarkan: a Scot ~s his “r”s, seorang bangsa Scot menggetarkan sebutan huruf “r”; 2. make whirring sound, berderu; (of telephone) bergetar bunyinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honourable | adj worthy of honour, mulia; (of a course of action) terhormat: I’m sure his motives were competely ~, saya pasti niatnya benar-benar mulia; an ~ man, lelaki yg mulia; housekeeping is an ~ task, mengurus rumah tangga ialah pekerjaan yg mulia; the only ~ course to take would be to resign, satu-satunya jalan terhormat yg boleh diambil adalah meletakkan jawatan; ~ mention, sebutan khas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinct | adj 1. different, berbeza, berlainan, tdk sama: divided into two ~ categories, dibahagikan kpd dua kategori yg berbeza; as ~ from, berbeza drpd: modern drugs as ~ from traditional remedies, penggunaan ubat moden yg berbeza drpd ubat-ubatan tradisional; 2. sharp, clear, jelas: ~ pronunciation, sebutan yg jelas; a ~ outline, bentuk yg jelas; my recollection of the event is ~, ingatan saya ttg kejadian itu adalah jelas; 3. unmistakable, positive, nyata: there’s a ~ possibility that the crisis will escalate into a war, ada kemungkinan yg nyata krisis itu akan meruncing menjadi satu peperangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lazy | adj 1. unwilling to work, idle, malas: he is a ~ boy, dia budak yg malas; 2. characterized by inactivity, dgn bermalas-malas: they spent a ~ afternoon on the beach, mereka mengisi waktu petang dgn bermalas-malas di pantai; 3. characterized by slow movement, little effort, malas: a ~ smile, senyuman malas; with a ~ wave of his hand, dgn lambaian tangannya yg malas; a ~ river, sungai yg mengalir malas; ~ articulation, cara sebutan yg malas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drill1 | n 1. instrument for boring holes, gerudi: electric ~, gerudi elektrik; a dentist’s ~, gerudi doktor gigi; 2. (mil) latihan: land ~, latihan darat; infantry ~, latihan infantri; 3. practice session showing people what to do in an emergency, latihan: a fire ~, latihan kebakaran; 4. (academic exercise) latih tubi: pronunciation ~s, latih tubi sebutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |