All | adj 1. the utmost, [various translations]: with ~ haste, (dgn) secepat mungkin or (dgn) secepat-cepatnya; with ~ (possible) care, dgn secermat-cermatnya or (dgn) secermat mungkin; in ~ earnestness I beg you to flee, dgn sesungguh-sungguhnya saya memohon agar tuan menyelamatkan diri; 2. (usu in negative contexts) any, whatever, segala, semua: he dislikes artificiality in ~ forms, dia tdk suka akan segala bentuk kepura-puraan; to deny ~ responsibility, menolak segala tanggungjawab; beyond ~ doubt, tdk dapat /diragu, disangsikan/ lagi; beyond ~ expectation(s) di luar segala /jangkaan, dugaan/; 3. (as intensifier), [not translated]: the greatest empire in ~ history, empayar yg terbesar dlm sejarah; the most evil regime in ~ the world, rejim yg paling jahat di dunia; adj & pron 1. the whole amount, number (of), every one (of) | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haste | n 1. speed, rapidity, kecepatan, kepantasan; with all possible ~, secepat mungkin: the job must be done with all possible ~, kerja itu mesti dilakukan secepat mungkin; 2. rashness, precipitateness, bergopoh-gapah, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ st out, /mencabut, mengeluarkan/ sst: we’ll ~ the bullet out as soon as possible, kami akan mencabut peluru itu secepat mungkin; ~ it out (with so.), bersemuka (dgn sso): I’m going to ~ it out with him over this matter, saya akan bersemuka dengannya ttg perkara ini; ~ o’s sleep out, tidur secukupnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convenience | ~ food, makanan mudah; at so’s ~, bila-bila (sso) senang: come at your ~, datanglah bila-bila senang; at so’s earliest ~, secepat mungkin; for (the sake of) ~, utk kesenangan (orang); marriage of ~, perkahwinan utk kesenangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | ~ out, (colloq) a. with all o’s strength, bermati-matian, bertungkus-lumus, berhempas pulas; b. at full speed, selaju-lajunya, secepat-cepatnya: because we were late we drove ~ out all the way to the airport, disebabkan kami terlewat, kami memandu selaju-lajunya ke lapangan terbang; c. exhausted, sangat letih; knock (so.) ~, /menumbangkan, merebahkan/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | b. (preceding clause containing v such as “seem”, “say”, “think”, etc) se-[adj] yang: the gadget works ~ efficiently ~ the manufacturer claims, alat itu berfungsi sebaik yang dikatakan oleh pembuatnya; c. (preceding phr “one can”, “possible”) se-[adj] mungkin, se-[adj]-nya: I’ll come ~ quickly ~ I can, saya akan datang secepat mungkin or saya akan datang secepat-cepatnya; /twice, three times, etc/ ~ [adj, adv] ~, /dua, tiga, dsb/ kali lebih [adj] drpd: she wants a carpet twice ~ wide ~ this, dia mahu akan permaidani yg dua kali lebih luas drpd yang ini; ~ against, /berbanding, dibandingkan/ dgn: there were forty votes for Isa ~ against thirteen for Ali, ada empat puluh undi utk Isa berbanding dgn tiga belas utk Ali; ~ always, spt biasa, sebagaimana lazimnya; ~ ever, spt biasa; ~ follows, /spt, sbg/ yg berikut; ~ for, tentang, berkenaan dgn; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | a ~ in the pan, kejayaan kilat: his brilliant performance in “Swan Lake” was just a ~ in the pan: he never performed as brilliantly again, persembahannya yg gemilang dlm “Swan Lake” hanyalah kejayaan kilat: dia tdk lagi memberikan persembahan yg segemilang itu; in a ~, dlm /sekelip, sekedip, sekejap/ mata: it all happened in a ~, segala-galanya berlaku dlm sekelip mata; quick as a ~, secepat kilat: quick as a ~ Henry drew his revolver, secepat kilat, Henry mengeluarkan pistolnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | vi 1. a. emit light suddenly, memancar, berdenyar; (of lightning) mengilat, memancar, berdenyar: the beacon ~ed once every twenty seconds, suar itu memancar sekali setiap dua puluh saat; lightning ~ed across the sky, kilat mengilat di langit; b. reflect light, mengilap, mengilat, berkilat, memancar: he pounced, the knife ~ing in his hand, dia menerkam, pisau berkilat-kilat di tangannya; c. (of eyes) bersinar: Kim’s eyes ~ed with sudden anger, mata Kim bersinar krn tiba-tiba marah; 2. move swiftly, approp v + secepat kilat; (of time) berlalu dgn /pantas, cepat/: the speeding car ~ed past, kereta yg laju itu meluncur lalu secepat kilat; time ~ed by, waktu berlalu dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earliest | adj & adv paling /awal, segera/, /awal, mula-mula/ sekali: one of the ~ symptoms of cancer, salah satu tanda penyakit barah yang paling awal; at the ~, paling /awal, segera/: on Monday at the ~, paling segera, pd hari Isnin; at your ~ convenience, secepat mungkin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurry | in a ~, a. in a rush, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru: he had to leave the meeting in a ~, dia terpaksa meninggalkan mesyuarat itu dgn tergesa-gesa; b. anxiously eager, cepat: I am in a ~ to make money, saya hendak cepat kaya; she is in a ~ to go home, dia hendak cepat pulang; c. easily or willingly, semudah itu, secepat itu: he won’t invite me again in a ~, dia tdk akan semudah itu menjemput saya lagi; in no ~, not in a rush, tdk perlu cepat: I am in no ~ to go home, saya tdk perlu cepat pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |