adequately | adv 1. sufficiently, dgn /secukupnya, cukup/: the child was not ~ fed, anak itu tdk diberi makan dgn secukupnya; 2. satisfactorily, dgn memuaskan: to cope ~ with a situation, dapat mengawal keadaan dgn memuaskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bare | the ~ minimum, secukupnya sahaja; ~ of, yg tdk ber [+ approp n]: a house ~ of furniture, sebuah rumah yg tdk berperabot; field ~ of grass, padang yg tdk berumput; be in o’s ~ skin, (ber)telanjang bulat, (ber)bogel; lay ~, mendedahkan; with (o’s) ~ hands, a. without using tools, tanpa alat perkakas; b. without using weapons, tanpa senjata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feed | ~ up, memberi makan secukupnya; be fed up, (colloq), (berasa) bosan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
increase | vi bertambah; (in wages, price, etc) naik: the baby’s weight is not increasing enough, berat badan bayi itu tdk bertambah dgn secukupnya; the incidence of the disease has ~d, kejadian penyakit itu bertambah; the lump had ~d in size overnight, ketumbuhan itu bertambah besar dlm waktu semalam; the basic wage ~d by $60.00, gaji pokok telah naik sebanyak $60.00; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill | adv 1. badly, unfavourably, [various translations]: she still thinks ~ of me, dia masih beranggapan buruk thdp saya; he never speaks ~ of the dead, dia tdk pernah memburuk-burukkan orang yg telah meninggal; the title ~ befits him, gelaran itu tdk sesuai baginya; things seem to go ~ for the team, pasukan itu nampaknya menghadapi masalah yg banyak; 2. inadequately, imperfectly, tdk [v] secukupnya: the army was ~ equipped for the operation, pihak tentera tdk dilengkapkan secukupnya utk operasi itu; 3. (fml or old-fashioned) badly, tdk + approp v dgn baik: the news was ~ received, berita itu tdk diterima dgn baik; 4. hardly, tdk [approp adj or v]: I can ~ afford to buy a new car, saya tdk mampu membeli kereta baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | ~ st out, /mencabut, mengeluarkan/ sst: we’ll ~ the bullet out as soon as possible, kami akan mencabut peluru itu secepat mungkin; ~ it out (with so.), bersemuka (dgn sso): I’m going to ~ it out with him over this matter, saya akan bersemuka dengannya ttg perkara ini; ~ o’s sleep out, tidur secukupnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fortify | vt 1. strengthen (place) against attack by building walls etc, mengubui: they fortified their positions before nightfall, mereka mengubui tempat mereka sebelum malam tiba; 2. strengthen, a. (physically), (of drink, food), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] (berasa) lebih bertenaga; (pass.) berasa lebih bertenaga: fortified by a good meal, they continued their journey, berasa lebih bertenaga selepas makan secukupnya, mereka meneruskan perjalanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |