conscious | adj 1. aware, sedar: he was ~ of his own faults, dia sedar akan kesalahannya; the climber was ~ of a sudden change in temperature, pendaki gunung itu sedar akan perubahan suhu yg tiba-tiba; 2. alert and awake, sedar: he was still ~ when they brought him to the hospital, dia masih sedar semasa mereka membawanya ke hospital; 3. intentional, deliberate, disengajakan; (attrib), (v) dgn sengaja: prejudice against women is still there, although it is not always ~, prasangka thdp wanita masih wujud, walaupun tdk ditunjukkan dgn sengaja; he made a ~ effort to be pleasant to her, dia berusaha dgn sengaja utk bermesra dgn gadis itu; 4. very concerned with particular aspect of life etc, sedar ttg: even women have become politically ~, wanita pun telah sedar ttg politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consciousness | n 1. awareness, kesedaran; (have) a ~ of, sedar akan: he had a sudden ~ of danger, dia tiba-tiba sedar akan bahaya; 2. totality of person’s thoughts and feelings, kesedaran: the political ~ of a nation, kesedaran politik sst bangsa; 3. state of being alert, awake, kesedaran; lose ~, tdk sedar; regain ~, sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensible | ad j (fml) 1. unconscious, pengsan, tdk sedarkan diri; 2. unaware, tdk sedar: I’m not ~ of how much I owe to your support, saya bukan tdk sedar betapa saya terhutang budi thdp sokongan saudara; be ~ of, tdk /menyedari, sedar akan/: she was ~ of her danger, dia tdk sedar akan bahaya yg mungkin menimpanya; she seemed ~ of the honour you had conferred upon her, dia nampaknya tdk menyedari penghormatan yg telah tuan berikan kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aware | adj 1. ~ /of, that/, conscious, having realization, sedar akan, menyedari; (having knowledge) tahu: he was fully ~ of the dangers, dia cukup sedar akan bahayanya; I was not ~ that he is married, saya tdk tahu bahawa dia sudah berkahwin; make so. ~ of, menyedarkan sso ttg, /membuat, menyebabkan/ sso sedar akan; 2. informed, alert, mempunyai kesedaran: to be politically ~, mempunyai kesedaran politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ to, a. become conscious again, sedar (semula): when he came to, he found that so. had taken his briefcase, apabila dia sedar dia mendapati bahawa beg bimbitnya telah diambil orang; b. see vi (sense 1. a. & b.); c. happen, terjadi: if any harm should ~ to them..., jika apa-apa yg buruk terjadi pd mereka...; d. amount to, berjumlah: the bill ~s to $200, bil itu berjumlah $200; ~ to pass, terjadi, berlaku; if it ~s to that (colloq) for that matter, kalau difikir-fikirkan; what is the world coming to?, apa yg akan terjadi pd dunia ini?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
click | vi 1. (of sound) berklik: the door ~ed shut, pintu itu berklik apabila tertutup; 2. get along, serasi: somehow the two ~ed, entah bagaimana mereka itu boleh serasi; 3. (colloq), (suddenly become understood), (baru) [sso] faham; (suddenly realize), (baru) [sso] sedar: it suddenly ~ed that they had been talking about two completely different things, baru mereka sedar bahawa mereka bercakap ttg dua perkara yg berbeza sama sekali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fool | n 1. silly person, (orang yg) bodoh: what a ~ I was not to realize what he was doing!, bodoh betul saya, tdk sedar apa yg dibuatnya; 2. (formerly) jester, badut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inadequacy | n 1. insufficiency, tdk /cukup, mencukupi/; 2. incompetence, quality of being lacking, kekurangan: he soon realized his ~ as a leader, akhirnya, dia sedar akan kekurangannya sbg pemimpin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drunken | adj 1. drunk, mabuk: the ~ sailor, kelasi yg mabuk; 2. caused by alcoholic intoxication, akibat mabuk: ~ stupor, keadaan hampir tdk sedar akibat mabuk; 3. characterized by drunkenness, (spt) orang mabuk: ~ manner, gaya orang mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absent-minded | adj 1. abstracted, selalu lupa, pelupa: an ~ professor, seorang profesor yg selalu lupa; 2. reflecting abstractedness, yg diucapkan secara tdk sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |