extent | to /a certain, some/ ~, setakat tertentu; to a great ~, sebahagian besarnya; to such an ~ that, sedemikian rupa sehinggakan; to the ~ of, (a certain amount), /hingga, sampai/ sebanyak; to what ~, setakat mana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advisable | adj bijak, lebih /baik, elok/; (attrib) bijak: such a course of action would not be ~, tindakan sedemikian tdk bijak; he considered it ~ to keep the matter secret, dia menganggap lebih baik perkara itu dirahsiakan sahaja; an ~ decision, keputusan yg bijak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
articulate | vi 1. speak, enunciate, words distinctly, /bercakap, bertutur/ dgn /jelas, terang/: his tongue was so swollen that he could not ~ properly, lidahnya bengkak sedemikian rupa sehingga dia tdk dapat bercakap dgn jelas dan betul; 2. (biol) berartikulat: the thigh bone ~s with the pelvic girdle, tulang paha berartikulat dgn tulang pinggul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clock | n jam; against the ~, terdesak; /put, set, turn/ the ~ back, menyebabkan [sso, sst] terkebelakang: such conservative attitudes will put the ~ back twenty years, sikap kolot sedemikian akan menyebabkan kita terkebelakang dua puluh tahun; round the ~, siang malam: the petrol pump is open round the ~, stesen minyak itu dibuka siang malam; work against the ~, bekerja dgn tdk henti-henti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enlarge | vt 1. make larger, membesarkan, memperbesar; (expand) meluaskan, memperluas: they want to ~ their house, mereka mahu membesarkan rumah mereka; an offer such as that would enable us to ~ our scope of activity, tawaran sedemikian akan membolehkan kita memperluas skop kegiatan kita; 2. (photog) reproduce on larger scale, membesarkan: to ~ a photograph, membesarkan gambar foto; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kind2 | ~ of, (colloq) somewhat, agak: he was ~ of surprised, dia agak terperanjat; in ~, a. in goods or natural produce, bukan dlm bentuk wang; b. in the same form, sedemikian juga, seperti itu juga: she | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chafe | vi 1. become sore by rubbing, melecet, melelas: her skin ~s easily, kulitnya mudah melecet; 2. become irritated, berasa jengkel: the child ~d under such treatment, budak itu berasa jengkel apabila diperlakukan sedemikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 3 | adj 1. not belonging to the clergy, bukan paderi: the ~ members of the church, ahli-ahli bukan paderi di gereja itu; 2. non-professional, amateur, orang awam: for the ~ mind, such a concept is difficult to comprehend, pd fikiran orang awam, konsep yg sedemikian sukar difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justify | 2. demonstrate that (st) is reasonable, correct, menunjukkan [sst] berasas: his reaction justifies our suspicion that he was involved in the crime, reaksinya menunjukkan rasa curiga kami bahawa dia terlibat dlm jenayah itu berasas; 3. be good reason for, dijadikan /alasan, justifikasi/: nothing can ~ such cruelty, tdk ada apa pun yg dapat dijadikan alasan bagi kekejaman sedemikian; the fact that he annoyed you does not ~ you hitting him, walaupun dia menyakitkan hati kamu, ini tdk dapat dijadikan alasan utk menumbuknya; 4. adjust (text) so that the left-hand and right-hand margins are straight, mengimbangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inherent | adj [not translated ]; (rel to quality) ada /pd, dlm/: he has an ~ love of music, dia suka akan muzik; due to his ~ laziness..., krn sifat malas yg ada dlm dirinya...; ~ in, /terdapat, wujud/ dlm; (rel to position, office) ada pd: he refused to recognize the danger ~ in such a situation, dia tdk mahu melihat bahaya yg wujud dlm keadaan sedemikian; this concept of space is ~ in the design, konsep ruang spt ini | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |