bit1 | ~ by ~, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; ~s and bobs, ~s and pieces, keropas-kerapis; a ~ at a time, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; a ~ of a, rather, agak, boleh dikatakan: he’s a ~ of a coward, dia itu agak pengecut; a ~ of all right, (sl), (of person) menarik; a ~ on the side, (colloq) makan luar; do o’s ~, memberi sumbangan; every ~ as, benar-benar sama... spt, benar-benar se-[+ approp adj]: she is every ~ as pretty as her sister, dia benar-benar secantik kakaknya or dia benar-benar sama cantik spt kakaknya; for a ~, see WHILE (for a while); not a ~ (of it) tdk sedikit pun; take a ~ of, take a considerable amount of, mesti berani sedikit: it takes a ~ of courage to address a large audience, mesti berani sedikit utk berucap di hadapan hadirin yg ramai; thrilled to ~s, (colloq), /seronok, suka/ sangat; to ~s, sehingga berkecai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jot | n (used with negative) sedikit pun: there’s not a ~ of truth in the rumour, tdk ada sedikit pun kebenaran dlm desas-desus itu; I don’t care a ~ what people say, saya tdk peduli sedikit pun apa yg orang lain kata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damn | n; not /care, give/ a ~, (colloq) tdk peduli /sedikit pun, langsung, sama sekali/: she doesn’t give a ~ whether he lives or dies, dia tdk peduli sedikit pun sama ada dia hidup atau mati; not worth a ~, (colloq) tak berguna langsung: the book isn’t worth a ~, buku itu tak berguna langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finger | not /lift, move, raise/ a ~, tdk tergerak sedikit pun (utk + approp v): most men help with the washing-up, but my Albert doesn’t lift a ~, kebanyakan lelaki turut membantu membasuh pinggan, tetapi Albert tdk tergerak sedikit pun utk menolong; point a ~ at, menuduh; shake o’s ~ at so., /mengajar-ajar, menegur/ sso; /twist, wind, wrap / so. round o’s little ~, (colloq) memujuk sso membuat apa saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atom | n 1. (phys) atom; 2. very small quantity, sedikit pun: there’s not an ~ of truth in what he said, kata-katanya itu sedikit pun tdk ada kebenarannya; 3. very small fragments, hancur: to smash st to ~s,memecahkan sst sehingga hancur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grain | sekumit, sekelumit, sedikit: there isn’t a ~ of truth in his allegations, tdk ada sedikit pun kebenaran dlm tuduhannya; he hasn’t a ~ of sense, dia sedikit pun tdk berakal; 8. (photog) bintik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faint | ~ - hearted, pengecut; not have the ~est (idea, notion), /sama sekali, sedikit pun/ tdk tahu: I haven’t the ~est idea where we are, saya sama sekali tdk tahu di mana kita berada; he doesn’t have the ~est idea how to cook, dia sedikit pun tdk tahu bagaimana hendak memasak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | at ~, a. (in conditional sentences) i. even a little, walau sedikit pun: if you had read the book at ~..., kalau kamu membaca buku itu walau sedikit pun...; ii. (as intensifier of “if”) kalaupun, kalau... pun: if she came at ~, she came late, kalaupun dia datang, dia datang lambat or kalau dia datang pun, dia datang lambat; b. (in positive sentences) anyhow, juga: I’m surprised you came at ~, saya hairan saudara datang juga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blind | the ~, orang buta; not a ~ (bit of), (sl) tdk sedikit pun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | by ~s, sedikit demi sedikit; not in the slightest ~, tdk sedikit pun, sama sekali tdk; to a ~, exceedingly, amat, sungguh, sangat, terlalu: she is fastidious to a ~, dia terlalu cerewet; to /a high, the highest/ ~, terlampau, tersangat: to be stubborn to a high ~, terlampau degil; to what ~, /sejauh, setakat/ mana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |