Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bit1~ by ~, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; ~s and bobs, ~s and pieces, keropas-kerapis; a ~ at a time, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; a ~ of a, rather, agak, boleh dikatakan: he’s a ~ of a coward, dia itu agak pengecut; a ~ of all right, (sl), (of person) menarik; a ~ on the side, (colloq) makan luar; do o’s ~, memberi sumbangan; every ~ as, benar-benar sama... spt, benar-benar se-[+ approp adj]: she is every ~ as pretty as her sister, dia benar-benar secantik kakaknya or dia benar-benar sama cantik spt kakaknya; for a ~, see WHILE (for a while); not a ~ (of it) tdk sedikit pun; take a ~ of, take a considerable amount of, mesti berani sedikit: it takes a ~ of courage to address a large audience, mesti berani sedikit utk berucap di hadapan hadirin yg ramai; thrilled to ~s, (colloq), /seronok, suka/ sangat; to ~s, sehingga berkecai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bit1n 1. small quantity, amount, portion, a little, sedikit: a ~ of pudding, sedikit puding; to put away a ~ (of money) every month, menyimpan (wang) sedikit setiap bulan; she hasn’t changed a ~, dia tdk berubah sedikit pun; to give so. a ~ of advice, memberi sso sedikit nasihat; 2. piece, a. (gen) cebis(an) (+ approp n): ~s of paper, cebisan-cebisan kertas; ~s of wood, cebis-cebis kayu; interesting ~s in the newspaper, cebisan-cebisan berita yg menarik dlm akhbar; b. (as a result of being shattered) serpih(an): ~s of broken glass, serpihan-serpihan kaca; c. (usu in pl), (leftover from st) reja, lebihan: we can make a dish from the ~s of left over food, kita dapat membuat sejenis masakan drpd lebihan makanan itu; d. (of land) selebar kangkang kera: a house with a ~ of land, sebuah rumah dgn kawasan keliling yg selebar kangkang kera; 3. (rel to time or distance) sedikit: he must rest a ~ longer, dia mesti berehat lebih lama sedikit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hitchn 1. short upward tug, menarik (sedikit): he gave a ~ to his trousers, dia menarik sedikit seluarnya; 2. snag, halangan: there was a slight ~ to our plans, ada sedikit halangan dgn rancangan kami; without a ~, dgn lancar: the ceremony went off without a ~, upacara itu berlangsung dgn lancar; technical ~, /masalah, gangguan/ teknik; 3. (kind of knot) simpul /belit, lilit/; half ~, lilit separuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
defectiveadj 1. (in function) a. (gen) rosak sedikit: a ~ electric kettle, cerek elektrik yg rosak sedikit; a ~ engine, enjin yg rosak sedikit; b. (of eyesight, hearing) rosak; c. (of memory) lemah; 2. (in appearance, form, structure) cacat: the ~ copies of a book, naskah-naskah buku yg rosak; the new transistor radio is ~, radio transistor yg baru itu rosak; 3. (of person) cacat: mentally ~, cacat mental;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inconsiderableadj 1. small, sedikit: the amount spent was not ~, jumlah yg dibelanjakan bukanlah sedikit; no ~ (influence etc) besar: he exercised no ~ influence on the voters, dia mempunyai pengaruh yg besar e atas pengundi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fractionaladj 1. very mall, insignificant, sedikit, kecil; (of part of st) kecil: the difference in price is only ~, perbezaan harga sedikit sahaja; this lecture forms only a ~ part of the course, kuliah ini hanya merupakan sebahagian kecil drpd kursus itu; 2. (math) pecahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground 1 before he could proceed with the plan, his rival had already cut the ~ from under his feet, sebelum dia sempat menjalankan rancangannya, lawannya telah memintasinya; gain ~, (fig.) semakin diterima: the new theory is slowly gaining ~, teori baru itu mula diterima sedikit demi sedikit; gain ~ on, (lit. & fig.) hampir menyamai: he was fast gaining ~ on the other runners, dgn cepat dia hampir menyamai pelari-pelari lain; diversification of products will help us gain ~ on our competitiors, pempelbagaian keluaran akan membantu kita hampir menyamaiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
biten 1. act of biting, menggigit; (of snake) mematuk; at one ~, sekali gigit; give so. a ~, menggigit; (of snake) mematuk; get a ~, digigit; (from snake) dipatuk; 2. wound made by biting, gigitan; (of snake) patukan: insect ~s, gigitan serangga; snake ~, patukan ular; 3. morsel of food, sedikit makanan: there’s not a ~ to eat, tdk ada sedikit pun makanan utk dimakan; /have, take/ a ~, rasa sedikit; 4. a small meal, makan sedikit: let’s have a ~ before we leave, mari kita makan sedikit sebelum pergi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
atomn 1. (phys) atom; 2. very small quantity, sedikit pun: there’s not an ~ of truth in what he said, kata-katanya itu sedikit pun tdk ada kebenarannya; 3. very small fragments, hancur: to smash st to ~s,memecahkan sst sehingga hancur.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
economyn 1. (system for the) management of resources, ekonomi: inflation would have adverse effects on the country’s ~, inflasi akan mendatangkan kesan-kesan buruk thdp ekonomi negara; agricultural ~, ekonomi pertanian; 2. avoidance of waste, cermat, hemat, jimat: the household is run with considerable ~, rumah itu diurus dgn begitu cermat; practise ~, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat; 3. instance of avoiding waste, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat: buying cheap cloth is a false ~, membeli kain murah bukan sebenarnya berjimat; with some small economies, you should be able to save more money, dgn berjimat sedikit-sedikit kamu dapat menyimpan lebih banyak wang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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