equilateral | adj sama sisi:an ~ triangle, segi tiga sama sisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-angled | adj bersudut: a right ~ triangle, segi tiga bersudut tegak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isosceles | adj (math) sama kaki: ~ triangle, segi tiga sama kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumscribed | adj 1. (geom) terterap lilit: a ~ triangle, segi tiga terterap lilit; 2. restricted, terhad, terbatas: ~ freedom, kebebasan yg terhad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | 8. (chem) bes; 9. (geom) tapak: the ~ of a triangle, tapak segi tiga; 10. (math) asas: ten is the ~ in the decimal system, sepuluh ialah asas dlm sistem perpuluhan; the ~ of a logarithm, asas logaritma; 11. (ling) dasar kata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denominate | vt (fml) give a name to, menamai: the sides of the triangle are ~d A, B, and C, tepi segi tiga itu dinamai A, B, dan C. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | vt 1. sketch, delineate, melukis: he drew a picture of a ship, dia melukis gambar kapal; to ~ a triangle, melukis segi tiga; to ~ a line, melukis garis; 2. pull aside or together, menarik: the maid drew the curtains to let in the sunlight, pembantu rumah itu menarik langsir supaya cahaya matahari dapat masuk; he drew her aside and reprimanded her, dia menariknya ke tepi dan memarahinya; 3. drag, haul, menarik, menghela: the horses drew the ploughs effortlessly, dgn mudah saja kuda-kuda itu menarik tenggala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
construct | vt membina: to ~ a new house, membina rumah baru; a well ~ed aircraft, pesawat yg dibina dgn baik; to ~ a triangle, membina segi tiga; a difficult sentence to ~, ayat yg sukar dibina; your argument is ~ed on a faulty premise, hujah kamu dibina atas premis yg tdk sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apex | n 1. highest point, peak, puncak, mercu, kemuncak; (tech) mercu, puncak: the ~ of a mountain,puncak gunung; the ~ of a triangle,mercu segi tiga; 2. pointed end, apeks; (of tongue, leaf) apeks, hujung: the ~ of the lung, apeks paru-paru; the ~ of the heart, apeks jantung; the ~ of the tongue, hujung lidah; 3. end, edge, crest of mineral vein, apeks; 4. climax, mercu, puncak: he was at the ~ of his career, dia berada di puncak kerjayanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corresponding | adj 1. matching, sepadan: rights carry with them ~ responsibilities, hak mendukung tanggungjawab yg sepadan; ~ angles, sudut sepadan; the ~ sides of a triangle, sisi sepadan pd segi tiga; 2. equivalent, similar, sama: his pay is lower than that of so. in a ~ position, gajinya lebih rendah drpd gaji seorang yg menyandang jawatan yg sama; profits have increased compared with the ~ period last year, keuntungan telah meningkat berbanding dgn tempoh yg sama tahun lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |