date1 | ~ /back to, from/, approp v + sejak: the house ~s from the eighteenth century, rumah itu telah wujud sejak kurun kelapan belas; his interest in the subject ~s from his university days, minatnya dlm perkara itu bermula sejak dia di universiti lagi; the book ~s back to the pre-war period, buku itu telah terbit sejak zaman sebelum perang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | ~ as ~ back as, sejak...lagi: as ~ back as 1850..., sejak tahun 1850 lagi...; as ~ as I know, as ~ as I can tell, setahu saya; as ~ as I can see, sejauh yg saya nampak: as ~ as I can see, there is no evidence to suggest that the owner was involved, sejauh yg saya nampak, tdk ada bukti yg menunjukkan bahawa tuan punya rumah terlibat; as ~ as possible, sedapat mungkin, seberapa boleh; /carry st, go/ too ~, keterlaluan: don’t carry the joke too ~, jangan keterlaluan dgn jenakamu itu; this time, he’s gone too ~, kali ini , dia keterlaluan; from ~, dr jauh; from ~ and near, dr jauh dan dekat; go ~, a. also get ~, rise greatly in profession etc, be successful, berjaya: he is a clever boy and will go ~, dia budak yg pandai dan pasti akan berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cradle | from the ~, sejak kecil lagi; from the ~ to the grave, sejak lahir hingga ke liang lahad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lately | adv 1. recently, up until now, (sejak) /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: I’ve been very busy ~ and haven’t been able to do it, saya sangat sibuk sejak akhir-akhir ini dan tdk dapat membuatnya; 2. (fml) until recently, sebelum ini: Prof. Jones ~ of Chicago is now at Colombia, Prof. Jones yg sebelum ini di Universiti Chicago sekarang di Universiti Colombia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drift | sejak dia meninggalkan bangku sekolah, dia telah bertukar dr satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan yg lain; 4. develop or progress aimlessly, hanyut: their conversation seems to be ~ing from one topic to another, nampaknya perbualan mereka hanyut dr satu tajuk ke tajuk yg lain; 5. (of snow, sand, etc) pile up in heaps, menimbun, berlonggok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | tinggi sejak saya melihatnya dahulu; c. (in length), (tumbuh) panjang: let your hair ~, biarlah rambut kamu panjang; 4. develop, become bigger, more powerful, etc, berkembang: the business continues to ~ under his management, perniagaan itu terus berkembang di bawah pengurusannya; Japan ~s by leaps and bounds, negara Jepun berkembang dgn begitu pesat; 5. increase in amount, degree, etc, bertambah (+ approp adj): the population of Jakarta is ~ing rapidly, bilangan penduduk Jakarta bertambah dgn pesatnya; my suspicion grew when I saw them together, syak wasangka saya bertambah mendalam apabila saya ternampak mereka bersama; 6. develop in wisdom, experience, etc, menjadi lebih matang: experiences that will help a person ~, pengalaman yg akan membantu seseorang menjadi lebih matang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congenital | adj sejak lahir, bawaan; (med) kongenital: a ~ defect, kecacatan kongenital. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | the word ~, projek itu gagal sejak mula lagi; how are things ~ing?, bagaimana keadaan sekarang? keep ~ing, terus + approp v: although his foot was injured he kept ~ing, walaupun kakinya cedera dia terus mendaki; what so. says ~es, (colloq) apa yg dikatakannya mesti diturut; who ~es there?, siapa di sana?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | from that / /time, day, etc /~, /sejak, mulai dr/ /waktu, hari, dsb/ itu; put /watch, clock, etc/ ~, mencepatkan jam dsb; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | death he has been in the ~ of sadness, sejak kematian anak lelakinya, dia dicengkam kesedihan; 5. understanding, pemahaman: he seemed to have a good ~ of the subject, dia nampaknya mempunyai pemahaman yg baik ttg perkara itu; 6. ability to hold attention, mempesona: the speaker had a good ~ on his audience, penceramah itu betul-betul mempesona pendengarnya; 7. see HAIR-GRIP; 8. handle, pemegang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |