bouquet | n 1. bunch of flowers, jambak bunga: a ~ of roses, sejambak bunga ros; 2. compliment, puji-pujian; ~s and brickbats, pujian dan celaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flower | n 1. (part of plant or stem containing it) bunga: a bunch of ~s arranged in a vase, sejambak bunga yg digubah dlm jambangan; in ~, sedang berbunga; burst into ~, /mekar, berkembang/ semuanya; come into ~, (mula) /berbunga, berkembang/; 2. small plant grown for its blossom, (pokok) bunga: in the morning we planted ~s in the back garden, pd waktu pagi kami menanam bunga di taman belakang rumah; 3. the best or finest examples, yg terbaik: the conference was attended by the ~ of the medical profession, persidangan itu dihadiri oleh yg terbaik antara pengamal perubatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humour | vt [various translations]: children should not be ~ed unduly, kanak-kanak tdk harus dilayan kerenah mereka dgn berlebih-lebihan; we’ll go, just to ~ him, kita pergi hanya utk menyedapkan hatinya; I’ll buy a bouquet of flowers to ~ her, saya akan membeli sejambak bunga utk memujuknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluster | n 1. number of things of the same kind, growing together, a. (of plant) rumpun: a ~ of daisies, serumpun bunga daisi; b. (of fruit) gugus(an); c. (of hair) jambak: a ~ of curls, sejambak gulungan rambut; d. (of mushrooms) kelompok; 2. number of things found in a small close group, a. (of buildings, people) kelompok: there was a ~ of fans round the beautiful singer, terdapat sekelompok peminat di keliling penyanyi yg cantik itu; b. (of stars, islands) gugus(an); c. (of bees etc) kelompok; 3. (ling) gugus: consonant ~, gugus konsonan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | 2. discover by chance, menjumpai, menemui, mendapati; (st which one or so. has lost) menjumpai, menemui; (so. or st esp in a place where it is not unusual for so. or st to be found) mendapati; (so. or st doing st) mendapati: he was found dead in his hotel room, dia dijumpai or didapati mati di bilik hotelnya; we found several errors in the calculations, kami mendapati or menjumpai beberapa kesilapan dlm kiraan itu; I found a diamond ring in the drain, saya menjumpai cincin berlian di dlm longkang; when she arrived at the office she found a bouquet on her desk, apabila dia tiba di pejabat, dia mendapati sejambak bunga di atas mejanya; when I got to the house, I found two youths climbing over the front gate, apabila sampai di rumah itu, saya mendapati dua orang pemuda sedang memanjat pintu pagar depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |