dyed-in-the-wool | adj (fig.) sejati: a ~ socialist, sosialis yg sejati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | c. get, mencari: true friends are hard to ~, kawan sejati sukar dicari; we must ~ a suitable candidate, kita mesti mencari calon yg sesuai; ~ yourself a seat, carilah tempat duduk; d. search for until discovered, mencari [sso, sst] (sampai dapat): I don’t care how you do it, just ~ the girl, saya tdk peduli bagaimana kamu melakukannya, cari gadis itu sampai dapat; ~ the value of x, cari nilai x; help your brother ~ the cat, tolong abangmu mencari kucing itu; e. undertake to seek, (st for so.) mencari; (someone something) mencarikan: if you let me know when you’re coming, I’ll ~ accommodation for you, jika kamu memberitahu bila kamu akan datang, saya akan mencari penginapan utk kamu; my aunts spend most of their time trying to ~ me a wife, emak-emak saudara saya menghabiskan kebanyakan masa mereka mencuba mencarikan saya isteri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
genuine | 3. a. not feigned or pretended, bukan dibuat-buat; (of love) sejati: she showed ~ concern for the child, dia menunjukkan sikap ambil berat yg bukan dibuat-buat thdp budak itu; her joy at seeing them was ~, kegembiraannya dapat bertemu dgn mereka bukan dibuat-buat; ~ laughter, ketawa yg bukan dibuat-buat; b. sincere, ikhlas: I don’t think she has an ulterior motive, she seems quite ~, saya tdk fikir dia mempunyai niat yg tersembunyi, dia nampaknya ikhlas; a ~ attempt at reconciliation, usaha yg ikhlas utk berdamai semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fixation | n obsession, obsesi: he has a ~ about punctuality, dia mempunyai obsesi ttg ketepatan masa; it isn’t real love, it’s just a ~, bukan cinta sejati, hanyalah obsesi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
genuineness | n quality of being, a. (pure, not adulterated or cheapened) ketulenan; b. (original, not faked) keaslian; c. (not feigned or pretended) bukan dibuat-buat; (of love) kesejatian, sejati; d. (sincere) keikhlasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fingertip | n hujung jari; have (st) at o’s ~s, a. (information) sst ada di hujung jari sso: he’s got the whole history of London at his ~s, seluruh sejarah London ada di hujung jarinya; b. (commodity) sso ada sst tersedia pd setiap waktu: he always has money at his ~s, dia selalu ada wang yg tersedia pd setiap waktu; to /the, o’s /~s, sejati-jatinya: her father was a professional to his ~s, bapanya seorang yg profesional sejati-jatinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alloy | n 1. mixture of two or more metals, aloi, pancalogam: brass is an ~ of copper and zinc, loyang adalah aloi tembaga dan zink; 2. st that spoils, impairs, a. aloi; b. (fig.), [various translations]: her happiness was without ~, kebahagiaannya sejati; her face so refined of all ~, wajahnya yg begitu jelita dan tdk ada cacat-celanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
genuine | adj 1. a. pure, not adulterated or cheapened, tulen; (of vintage wine, cuisine, etc) asli: ~ pearl, mutiara tulen; a restaurant serving ~ Thai food, restoran yg menghidangkan masakan Thai asli; b. original, not faked, asli, asal: a ~ manuscript, manuskrip asli; is the painting a ~ Rembrandt or a fake?, adakah lukisan itu lukisan asli Rembrandt atau pun lukisan palsu?; 2. truly what the person is said to be, sebenar; (of friend) sejati: a ~ doctor, doktor sebenar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |