time | at a ~, sekali, sekali gus: he ran upstairs three steps at a ~, dia berlari ke atas tiga anak tangga sekali langkah; there are seats for only ten people at a ~, hanya ada tempat duduk utk sepuluh orang sekali; can you carry two at a ~?, boleh kamu bawa dua-dua sekali gus?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swoop | at one fell ~, (dgn) sekali gus: all his hopes and ambitions were destroyed at one fell ~, semua harapan dan cita-citanya musnah sekali gus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
both | ~ the President and the Prime Minister were sent into exile, Presiden dan Perdana Menteri, kedua-duanya dibuang negeri; the company has offices ~ in Kuala Lumpur and in Ipoh, syarikat itu mempunyai pejabat di kedua-dua Kuala Lumpur dan Ipoh; b. (implying simultaneous actions or states) A dan B sekali gus, sekali gus A dan B: I can’t ~ look after my aged mother and go to work, saya sekaligus tdk dapat menjaga ibu saya yg tua dan pergi kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow3 | /at, with/ /a, one/ ~, a. all at one time, sekali gus: the falling tree damaged the two houses at one ~, pokok yg tumbang itu memusnahkan dua buah rumah sekali gus; b. by or with only one action, sekali pukul; (with fist) (dgn) sekali tumbuk: I knocked him down with a ~, saya menumbangkannya dgn sekali pukul; /come to, exchange/ ~s, berlawan, bergasak; without striking a ~, tanpa berlawan; strike a ~ /for, against/, bertindak /menyokong, menentang/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow2 | /at, with/ /a, one/ ~, a. all at one time, sekali gus: the falling tree damaged the two houses at one ~, pokok yg tumbang itu memusnahkan dua buah rumah sekali gus; b. by or with only one action, sekali pukul; (with fist) (dgn) sekali tumbuk: I knocked him down with a ~, saya menumbangkannya dgn sekali pukul; /come to, exchange/ ~s, berlawan, bergasak; without striking a ~, tanpa berlawan; strike a ~ /for, against/, bertindak /menyokong, menentang/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |