icy | adj 1. covered with ice, berais, /dilitupi, liputi/ ais: ~ roads, jalan-jalan yg dilitupi ais; 2. cold like ice, /amat, sangat/ /sejuk, dingin/: ~ hands, tangan yg sangat sejuk; ~ winds, angin yg amat sejuk; 3. frigid, aloof, dingin sekali: ~ reception, sambutan yg dingin sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ /around, round/, a. take the long way round, mengambil jalan jauh: the road is closed for repair, so we had to ~ round by the lake, jalan itu ditutup, jadi kami terpaksa mengambil jalan jauh menyisir tasik; b. visit, datang: she came around to see us last week, dia datang mengunjungi kami minggu lepas; c. happen as usual, tiba: sometimes Christmas ~s around far too quickly, kadang kala hari Krismas datang begitu cepat sekali; d. become conscious again, sedar (semula): we sprinkled water on her face but she still did not ~ around, kami merenjiskan air ke mukanya tetapi dia masih tdk sedar; e. change o’s opinion, mengubah fikiran sso: give him some time; I’m sure he’ll ~ around (to my opinion), berikan dia masa; saya pasti dia akan mengubah fikirannya mengikut pendapat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fright | n sudden fear, ketakutan, (rasa) takut: she trembled with ~, dia menggeletar ketakutan; /get, have/ a ~, (become suddenly frightened) berasa takut sekali; (>be shocked) terkejut, terperanjat: she got a ~ when the child ran onto the road, dia berasa takut sekali apabila budak itu berlari ke jalan; I got a real ~ when the disconnected telephone suddenly started to ring, saya betul-betul terkejut apabila telefon yg telah diputuskan itu tiba-tiba mula berdering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diverge | vi 1. go out in different directions, mencapah: the rays ~ and spread, sinar mencapah dan tersebar; 2. differ, berbeza, berlainan: our views ~ greatly, pendapat kami berbeza sekali; 3. deviate (lit. & fig.) menyimpang: to ~ from the beaten track, menyimpang dr jalan yg selalu digunakan; he was careful not to ~ from the truth, dia berhati-hati supaya tdk menyimpang dr kebenaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |