Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

environmentaladj 1. of, rel to the natural world, alam sekitar, persekitaran: ~ pollutants, bahan cemar alam sekitar; 2. of, caused by o’s surroundings, persekitaran: many ~ factors must be considered when dealing with these children, banyak faktor persekitaran yg mesti diambil kira apabila menghadapi kanak-kanak ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboutprep 1. round, around, a. encircling, (di) sekitar, (di) sekeliling: the hills ~ the town, bukit-bukit di sekitar bandar itu; b. near, dekat, berhampiran dgn, (di) sekeliling: the streets ~ the palace, jalan-jalan dekat istana itu; c. here and there in, di sana sini di: his papers were scattered ~ the room, kertas-kertasnya bertaburan di sana sini di bilik itu; 2. on (o’s person), connected with, pada: I didn’t happen to have his letter ~ me at the time, kebetulan suratnya tdk ada pada saya waktu itu; there’s something ~ that house that unnerves me, ada sesuatu pada rumah itu yg membuat saya gelisah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
environmentn 1. surroundings, persekitaran: you can’t bring up healthy children in an ~ like this, kamu tdk dapat membesarkan kanak-kanak yg sihat dlm persekitaran begini; they will have to adapt quickly to their new ~, mereka mestilah cepat-cepat menyesuaikan diri dgn persekitaran mereka; 2. natural conditions in which people, plants and animals live, alam sekitar, persekitaran: the government will take steps to prevent the pollution of the ~, kerajaan akan mengambil langkah-langkah mencegah pencemaran alam sekitar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
frigidadj 1. very cold, dingin: the ~ zones around the poles, zon-zon dingin di sekitar kutub; 2. lacking warmth, dingin: her attitude towards them was ~, sikapnya thdp mereka dingin; 3. (of woman) sexually cold, dingin; (tech) frigid.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ballyhoon 1. noisy, sensational publicity, gembar-gembur, kehebohan: the ~ surrounding the launching of the product, gembar-gembur di sekitar pelancaran barang keluaran baru itu; 2. noisy touting, jerit pekik; 3. bombastic nonsense, temberang, gembar-gembur: all that talk is mere ~, cakap-cakap itu semua temberang sahaja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
concentrationn 1. act of focussing, penumpuan: power of ~, daya penumpuan; the ~ of industrial development around the capital city, penumpuan pembangunan perindustrian di sekitar ibu negeri itu; 2. accumulation, tumpuan: the increasing ~ of power in the politburo, tumpuan kuasa yg semakin bertambah pd politburo; 3. focussing of mental activities, daya penumpuan: memorising o’s lines requires great ~, menghafaz skrip memerlukan daya penumpuan yg tinggi; 4. (tech) kepekatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aroundadv 1. on every side or most sides (so as to surround, confine, etc), (di)kelilingnya, (di)sekelilingnya: a piece of vacant land that is fenced all ~, sebidang tanah kosong yg dipagari sekelilingnya; 2. in circumference, keliling: the track is only 1,000 metres ~, balapan itu hanya 1,000 meter keliling; 3. in every direction from a point of reference, disekelilingnya, keliling; (when distance is specified) sekitar, di sekelilingnya: he looked ~ but couldn’t see his friend anywhere, dia memandang di sekelilingnya tetapi tdk nampak kawannya di mana-mana; the blast was heard ten kilometres ~, letupan itu dapat didengar sekitar sepuluh kilometer; 4. (colloq) close at hand, in the vicinity, ada /di sini, dekat-dekat sini/: I’ll be ~ if you should want me, saya ada di sini jika kamu memerlukan saya; the letter must be somewhere ~, surat itu ada dekat-dekat sini, entah di mana;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jar2vt 1. cause to vibrate, menggegarkan, menggentarkan; (person or part of person) menyebabkan bergegar, menggentarkan: the explosion ~red the houses in the surrounding area, letupan itu menggegarkan rumah di sekitar kawasan tersebut; 2. shock, (act.) memeranjatkan, mengejutkan, /membuat, menjadikan/ sso /terperanjat, terkejut/; (pass.) terperanjat, terkejut: the news of his sudden death ~red her, berita ttg kematiannya yg mengejut memeranjatkan wanita itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flashn 1. sudden, brief gleam or blaze of light, pancaran cahaya (sekejap), denyaran; (when source of light is named) pancaran, denyaran: the ~es from the explosions lit up the landscape, pancaran cahaya drpd letupan-letupan itu menerangi kawasan sekitar; a ~ of lightning, pancaran kilat; the ~ of a diamond in the light, pancaran berlian yg kena cahaya; 2. brief outburst or display, sekilas, kilasan: a sudden ~ of insight told him what was going on, kilasan wawasan yg datang dgn tiba-tiba itu memberitahunya apa yg sedang terjadi; in a ~ of anger she slammed the door, dlm kemarahan yg sekilas itu, dia menghempaskan pintu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dimensionn 1. ukuran, dimensi; (math) dimensi, matra: the ~s of a room, ukuran sesebuah bilik; 2. (fig.) dimensi: religion added another ~ to the problem, agama menambah satu lagi dimensi kpd masalah itu; environmental destruction of enormous ~s, pemusnahan alam sekitar yg terlalu besar dimensinyaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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