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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

de-emphasize, de-emphasisevt tdk lagi menumpukan perhatian kpd: schools are de-emphasizing the teaching of purely academic subjects, sekolah-sekolah tdk lagi menumpukan perhatian kpd pengajaran mata pelajaran yg hanya bersifat akademik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fermentn 1. fermenting agent, penapai; 2. unrest, pergolakan: after the ~ died down schools reopened, setelah pergolakan itu reda, sekolah-sekolah dibuka semula; in a ~, (fig.) bergolak, bergelora: the whole country was in a ~ before the general election, seluruh negara bergolak sebelum pilihan raya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
altogetheradv 1. entirely, completely, sama sekali: this is a different question ~, ini persoalan yg lain sama sekali; 2. on the whole, pd /keseluruhannya, umumnya/: ~ this school compares favourably with the others, pd keseluruhannya sekolah ini lebih baik jika dibandingkan dgn sekolah-sekolah yg lain; 3. in all, semua sekali: how much is that ~?, berapa harganya semua sekali?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
juniorschoolchildren whose ages range between 7 and 11, sekolah rendah; (ref to school, class) rendah: all the ~ boys were allowed to go home early, semua murid sekolah rendah dibenarkan pulang awal; the ~ netball competition, pertandingan bola jaring sekolah rendah; he is in the ~ school, dia murid sekolah rendah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
experimentn 1. test to demonstrate known facts, uji kaji, eksperimen: a scientific ~, uji kaji saintifik; to carry out an ~, membuat uji kaji; 2. attempt at st new, eksperimen, percubaan: the subject was taught in se lected schools as an ~, mata pelajaran itu diajar di sekolah-sekolah terpilih sbg satu eksperimen;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
existvi 1. be, have being, wujud, ada: they tried to prove that God ~s, mereka mencuba membuktikan bahawa Tuhan wujud; customs that have ~ed for centuries, adat resam yg telah wujud berkurun-kurun lamanya; does racial polarization ~ in our schools?, adakah polarisasi kaum wujud di sekolah-sekolah kita?; live, hidup: I don’t know how he ~s on that diet, saya tdk tahu bagaimana dia hidup memakan makanan spt itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
invite3. make request for, meminta; (tender, bid for contract, offer, etc) mempelawa: the speaker then ~d questions from the audience, penceramah itu meminta penonton mengemukakan soalan; the host of the chat show ~d one of the guests to comment on the high incidence of food poisoning in schools, pengacara rancangan temu bual itu meminta salah seorang tetamu utk membuat komen ttg kekerapan berlakunya keracunan makanan di sekolah-sekolah; tenders are ~d for the erection of a clubhouse, tender dipelawa bagi pembinaan rumah kelab; shareholders are ~d to take up the new issue, pemegang-pemegang saham dipelawa membeli terbitan baru itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
keep~ so. in, menahan sso (di sekolah): children are sometimes kept in after school as punishment, kadang-kadang murid ditahan selepas waktu sekolah sbg denda;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
independent7. not depending on others, esp financially, /berdikari, tdk bergantung kpd sso/ (dr segi kewangan): she yearns to earn her own money and be ~, dia ingin bekerja dan tdk bergantung kpd sesiapa dr segi kewangan; to be financially ~, tdk bergantung kpd orang lain dr segi kewangan; of ~ means, berdikari, berpendapatan sendiri: a woman of ~ means, wanita yg berdikari; 8. that does not receive money from the government, swasta: an ~ radio station, stesen radio swasta; ~ schools, sekolah-sekolah swasta; 9. (math) tak bersandar: ~ variable, pemboleh ubah tak bersandar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grammar schooln 1. (UK) type of secondary school, sekolah menengah, grammar school; 2. (US) primary school, sekolah rendah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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