abettor, abetter | n subahat, rakan sekongkol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collaborator | n 1. one who works jointly with others, rakan usaha sama: they were ~s on this book, mereka merupakan rakan usaha sama dlm menghasilkan buku ini; 2. one who cooperates (with an enemy) subahat, sekongkol: the ~s were eventually shot, subahat-subahat itu akhirnya ditembak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fellow | n 1. (colloq) man, orang, [or not translated]; (when gender should be specified) laki-laki, lelaki: he a nice ~, dia baik (orangnya); tell that ~ to go away, suruh orang itu pergi; she’s been going out with the same ~ for weeks, dia sudah berminggu-minggu keluar dgn lelaki yg sama; 2. (usu in pl) companion, associate, rakan: school ~s, rakan sekolah; ~s in crime, rakan sekongkol; ~s in /good fortune, misery, etc/, sama-sama /beruntung, susah, dll/; 3. (colloq) boyfriend, pak we; 4. (of learned society, college, university) fellow. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |