channel | <i>ni> 1. <i>broad strait connecting two seas,i> selat: <i>the English C~,i> Selat Inggeris; 2. <i>bed of stream,i> alur (sungai); 3. <i>tubular passage for liquid,i> saluran; 4. <i>navigable part of waterway,i> kawasan boleh lalu; 5. <i>passage along which liquid flows,i> saluran; 6. <i>agency,i> saluran: <i>without going through the usual ~s,i> tanpa melalui saluran yg biasa; 7. (<i>electri>) rangkaian, saluran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
between | <i>the Straits of Malacca lie ~ Malaysia and Sumatra,i> Selat Melaka terletak di antara Malaysia dgn Sumatera; 2. <i>to and from, connecting,i> di antara: <i>the train service ~ the two cities,i> perkhidmatan kereta api di antara dua bandar raya itu; <i>the ships ply ~ Dover and Calais,i> kapal itu berlayar berulang alik di antara Dover dan Calais; 3. <i>(indic relationship or reciprocal action)i> antara: <i>a marriage ~ two famous personalities,i> perkahwinan antara dua orang tokoh yg terkenal; <i>the football match ~ Spain and England,i> perlawanan bola sepak antara Sepanyol dgn England; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | <i>vti> 1. <i>travel over in an aircraft,i> menerbangi: <i>he was the first man to ~ the English Channel,i> dialah orang pertama yg menerbangi Selat Inggeris; 2. <i>operatei> (<i>aircrafti>) memandu: <i>he flies a jet bomber,i> dia memandu jet pengebom; 3. <i>travel byi> (<i>airlinei>) naik: <i>I’m never going to ~ Air Gamma again,i> saya tdk akan naik Air Gamma lagi; 4. <i>transporti> (<i>so., sti>) <i>by aircraft,i> menerbangkan: <i>he flies passengers between New York and London,i> dia menerbangkan penumpang-penumpang antara New York dan London; <i>he had orchids flown in from Singapore for the wedding,i> dia memesan supaya bunga anggerik diterbangkan dr Singapura utk majlis perkahwinannya; 5. <i>cause to move in the air,i> a. (<i>flagi>) mengibarkan; b. (<i>kitei>) melayangkan; 6. <i>flee,i> lari dr: <i>they decided to ~ the country,i> mereka mengambil keputusan hendak lari dr negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deploy | <i>vi & vt i> (i>mili>) mengatur kedudukan: <i>the troops ~ed along the railway line,i> askar-askar itu mengatur kedudukan di sepanjang landasan kereta api; <i>to ~ the naval units along the straits,i> mengatur kedudukan unit tentera laut di sepanjang selat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
across | <i>prepi> 1. (<i>rel to motioni>) <i>from side to side of,i> a. (<i>road, bridge, etci>) menyeberangi, melintasi: <i>to run ~ the road,i> berlari menyeberangi jalan; b. (<i>body of wateri>) menyeberangi: <i>to swim ~ the channel,i> berenang menyeberangi selat; c. (<i>extensive stretch of landi>), (<i>by airi>) menyeberangi, melintasi; (<i>by landi>) merentasi, menyeberangi, melintasi: <i>we flew ~ the desert to Egypt,i> kami terbang ke Mesir menyeberangi padang pasir; d. (<i>field, room, courtyard, etci>) melintasi: <i>a dog darted ~ the lawn,i> seekor anjing meluru berlari melintasi padang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferry | <i>vti> membawa [<i>sso, ssti>] (dgn feri); (<i>across body of wateri>), /membawa, menyeberangkan/ [sso, sst] (dgn feri): <i>Zaleha ferries her children to and from school every day in her sister’s car,i> Zaleha membawa anak-anaknya pergi balik ke sekolah setiap hari dgn kereta kakaknya; <i>to ~ tourists across the channel,i> membawa pelancong menyeberangi selat dgn feri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crossing | <i>n going across,i> a. (<i>sea, river, etci>) penyeberangan, menyeberang: <i>during the ~ many passengers were seasick,i> sewaktu menyeberang ramai penumpang mabuk laut; b. (<i>roadi>) menyeberang, melintas; c. (<i>difficult terraini>) merentas; 2. <i>place for crossing,i> lintasan: <i>level ~,i> lintasan kereta api; <i>channel ~,i> lintasan selat; <i>zebra ~,i> lintasan belang; 3. <i>intersection of roads,i> persilangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devil | <i>the poor ~s lost everything in the fire,i> orang-orang yg malang itu kehilangan segala-galanya dlm kebakaran itu; raise the ~, <i>seei> HELL (raise hell); /talk, speak/ of the ~, panjang umur; the ~ /you will, you won’t, he did, he can, etc/, (<i>old-fashionedi>), [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>“he swam across the Straits of Malacca? The ~ he did!”,i> “dia berenang menyeberang Selat Melaka? Mahunya!”; <i>“I’ll go alone if I have to” “The ~ you will!”i>, “aku akan pergi seorang kalau terpaksa.” “Mana boleh!”; the ~ to pay, (<i>sli>) mati | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | 2. <i>also ~ down, establish as a basis,i> menyediakan: <i>~ing a proper foundation is important in any undertaking,i> menyediakan asas yg betul adalah penting dlm setiap usaha;<i> we have to ~ down the plan in great detail,i> kami perlu menyediakan rancangan itu dgn begitu terperinci; 3. <i>put in position,i> a. <i>(carpet etc)i> membentangkan; b. <i>(bricks, tiles)i> menerapkan; c. <i>(cable, pipe, etc)i> memasang; d. <i>(bomb, explosives, etc)i> memasang: <i>t__he enemy laid mines in the straits,i> pihak musuh memasang periuk api di selat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lane | <i>ni> 1. <i>narrow road esp in the country,i> lorong, jalan kecil: <i>a ~ winding through pretty countryside,i> lorong yg berliku-liku merentasi daerah luar kota yg indah; 2. <i>(often in place names) narrow street, alley between buildings,i> lorong: <i>he ran down a back ~,i> dia berlari turun ke lorong belakang; <i>University ~,i> Lorong Universiti; 3. <i>marked section on road,i> lorong: <i>a four ~ highway,i> lebuh raya empat lorong; <i>I prefer to keep to the middle ~,i> saya lebih suka mengikut lorong tengah; 4. <i>(in sporting competition) marked strips of track, water, etc,i> lorong; 5. <i>(of ship, aircraft) frequently used route,i> laluan: <i>the shipping ~s through the Straits of Malacca,i> laluan kapal merentasi Selat Melaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |