austral | adj selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
High German | n Jerman /Selatan, Halus/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
east by south | n timur hala selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
egress | n exit, jalan keluar: there is no ~ on the north side, tdk ada jalan keluar di sebelah selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | 9. (indic location, position) terletak, [not translated]: Phuket is in Southern Thailand, Phuket (terletak) di selatan Negeri Thai; the church is near the post office, gereja itu dekat pejabat pos; 10. occur, take place, [usu not translated], [sometimes berlaku, berlangsung, diadakan]: my birthday was last Thursday, hari jadi saya hari Khamis lalu; when is his wedding?, bilakah perkahwinannya (akan) berlangsung?; the meeting is on Monday, mesyuarat itu (akan) diadakan pd hari Isnin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intended | adj 1. planned, proposed, dirancang: his ~ expedition to the South Pole, ekspedisinya ke Kutub Selatan yg dirancang; 2. desired, diharapkan: the ~ effect, kesan yg diharapkan; 3. (of person) aimed at, sasaran: I was shocked to discover that I was one of his ~ victims, saya terkejut apabila mendapat tahu bahawa saya salah seorang mangsa sasarannya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dip | vi 1. slope down, menurun: the land ~s to the south, tanah itu menurun ke arah selatan; 2. descend sharply, menjunam: the eagle ~ped and swooped on its prey, burung helang itu menjunam dan menyambar mangsanya; 3. decline, jatuh, turun: prices ~ped because of reduced taxes, harga turun disebabkan pengurangan cukai; 4. sink, terbenam: the sun ~s below the horizon, matahari terbenam di ufuk barat; 5. (geol) condong: sedimentary rocks ~ping eastwards, batu mendak yg condong ke arah timur; 6. plunge (into st) to take st out, menyeluk: he ~ped into his pocket for the key, dia menyeluk sakunya utk mengambil kunci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
farther | adv lebih jauh: he could carry the load no ~, dia tdk dapat memikul beban itu lebih jauh; ~ down south, lebih jauh ke selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expedition | n 1. organized journey, ekspedisi: a hunting ~, ekspedisi perburuan; they plan to go on an ~ to the South Pole, mereka merancang ekspedisi ke Kutub Selatan; 2. group of people making such a journey, (kumpulan) ekspedisi; 3. excursion, outing, berjalan-jalan; (with modifier) pergi [v]: on her afternoons off mother often took me on little ~s, pd petang yg ibu saya tdk bekerja, dia selalu membawa saya berjalan-jalan; a shopping ~, pergi membeli-belah; 4. promptness in acting, kecepatan, kesegeraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
analogous | adj 1. similar in certain respects, seakan-akan /sama, serupa/: uprisings ~ to those of the southern provinces, pemberontakan yg seakan-akan sama dgn pemberontakan di daerah selatan; the heart is ~ to a pump, jantung seakan-akan sama dgn pam; 2. (biol) beranalog; (attrib) analog the gills of a fish and the lungs of man may be said to be ~, insang ikan dan paru-paru manusia boleh dikatakan beranalog; ~ organ, organ analog. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |