agate | n 1. semi-precious stone, (batu) akik; 2. child’s coloured marble, guli berwarna; 3. (printing ) agat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jade1 | n 1. (semi-precious stone), (batu) jed; 2. green colour of jade, warna jed. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | vt 1. cause to assume a curved shape, a. (gen) melenturkan, melengkungkan: he can ~ an iron bar into a semi-circle, dia dapat melenturkan batang besi itu menjadi separuh bulatan; she bent the sapling down to the ground, dia melengkungkan anak pokok itu sampai ke tanah; to ~ a bow, melenturkan busur; b. (head), (act.) menundukkan; (pass.) tunduk: he bent his head in a show of respect, dia menundukkan kepalanya sbg tanda hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amphitheatre, (US) amphitheater | n 1. oval or circular open theatre, amfiteater, perani; 2. arena, gelanggang; 3. large circular hollow, amfiteater; 4. semi-circular gallery in theatre, balkon. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glaze | n 1. (substance applied to give) transparent coating on ceramics, glis, sepuh; 2. shiny surface or coating (on pastry etc) sadur; 3. semi-transparent coating (on painting) sepuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grade | b. (mus) level of skill, gred: she’s passed her ~ 5 piano exam, dia telah lulus peperiksaan piano gred 5; 3. a. rank, gred: the highest ~ of semi-skilled workers, pekerja separuh mahir gred tertinggi; b. level of importance, peringkat: people of every ~ of society, orang drpd setiap peringkat masyarakat; 4. (US) division in school, gred: he is in the fourth ~, dia dlm gred empat; 5. (US) pupils in such division, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fruity | adj 1. resembling fruit, a. (in taste) berasa buah: the wine has a ~ taste, wain itu berasa buah; b. (in smell) berbau buah: a ~ fragrance, haruman yg berbau buah; 2. (colloq), (of voice) mellow, rich, dalam; 3. (colloq) funny in a semi-indecent way, blu: a ~ joke, jenaka blu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
booth | n 1. stall at market, fair, etc, gerai; 2. enclosed, partially enclosed area, a. (in the form of a kiosk) pondok: a telephone ~, pondok telefon; b. (in the form of a room) bilik; c. (in the form of a semi-enclosed cubicle) petak: a polling ~, petak mengundi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |