happy-go-lucky | adj sentiasa senang hati: a ~ fellow, lelaki yg sentiasa senang hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consolation | find ~ in, berasa senang hati apabila: he found ~ in her company, dia berasa senang hati apabila bersama gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glad | adj 1. pleased, happy, gembira, senang hati: I’m so ~ you’ve come, saya sangat gembira kamu datang; he was ~ of the opportunity to continue his studies, dia gembira mendapat peluang meneruskan pelajarannya; 2. polite, willing, dgn senang hati: I’ll be ~ to help you, saya dgn senang hati akan membantu kamu; 3. causing delight, menggembirakan: ~ news, berita yg menggembirakan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
displeasure | n rasa tdk senang (hati); (of royalty) kemurkaan: to incur so’s ~, menyebabkan sso rasa tdk senang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come-uppance | n (colloq) habuan: I could not help feeling pleased when I heard that he had got his ~, saya berasa senang hati apabila mendengar bahawa dia telah mendapat habuannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratify | 2. (esp pass.), (fml) a. give satisfaction to, (act.) memuaskan hati; (pass.) berpuas hati: she was gratified that the committee had approved the plan, dia berpuas hati bahawa jawatankuasa itu telah meluluskan rancangan tersebut; b. give pleasure to, delight, (act.) menyenangkan (hati); ( pass.) berasa senang hati: it gratified him to hear of his son’s success, dia berasa senang hati apabila mendapat tahu ttg kejayaan anak lelakinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impulsive | adj 1. (engin) dedenyut: ~ motion, gerakan dedenyut; 2. liable to act on impulse, suka mengikut gerak hati: she is ~ by nature, dia suka mengikut gerak hati; 3. resulting from impulse, mengikut gerak hati: her ~ action disconcerted her companion, tindakannya yg mengikut gerak hati itu menyebabkan temannya berasa tdk senang; 4. (of physical force) impulsif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | the ~ is on so., persendaan itu berbalik pd sso; the ~ is that..., yg /menggelikan hati, lucunya/,...; do st for a ~, bergurau, melawak, berseloroh: I did it for a ~, saya hanya bergurau; have a ~ with so., /bergurau, melawak, berseloroh/ dgn sso: he was having a ~ with his friend when I arrived, dia sedang berseloroh dgn kawannya apabila saya tiba; make a ~ about /so., st/, mempersendakan: he made a ~ about his baldness, dia mempersendakan kepala lelaki yg botak itu; be no ~, (not easy) bukan /mudah, senang/; (a serious matter) bukan perkara kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |