Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[sé.na.tor] | سيناتور

Definisi : (sénator) ahli dewan negara (senat). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[sé.na.tor] | سيناتور

Definisi : /sénator/ ahli senat; ahli dewan negara. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
senator (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan ahli dewan negara, ahli dewan senat.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

junioradj 1. younger, (lebih) muda; 2. for young people, utk remaja: ~ dress sizes, saiz baju utk remaja; 3. subordinate to another in point of time of service, baru; (when making comparison) lebih baru: a ~ senator, senator baru; he was angry when they offered the job to a ~ man, dia marah apabila mereka menawarkan jawatan itu kpd orang yg lebih baru; 4. lower in rank, rendah; (ref to a member of staff) berpangkat rendah; (of a minister) muda: a ~ officer, pegawai rendah; he joined the firm as a ~ partner, dia mula bekerja di firma itu sbg rakan kongsi rendah; the ~ members of the school staff held a friendly football match, guru-guru sekolah itu yg berpangkat rendah mengadakan perlawanan bola sepak persahabatan; a ~ minister in the Cabinet, menteri muda dlm Kabinet; 5. (UK) rel toKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fightvt 1. do battle with, bertempur dgn: America fought Japan for three years, Amerika bertempur dgn Jepun selama tiga tahun; 2. contend with in physical combat, berlawan: my father fought the burglar with his bare hands, bapa saya berlawan dgn pencuri itu dgn tangan saja; 3. oppose, menentang: the senator fought the bill with determination, senator itu menentang rang undang-undang tersebut dgn penuh keazaman; we are going to ~ the action, kami akan menentang tindakan itu; 4. strive to overcome; a. (disease, social evil) berusaha /menghapuskan, membasmi/, (berusaha) membanteras; b. (fire) melawan; c. (fear, pain) melawan; 5. (in boxing) berlawan (tinju) dgn: he fought the champion until the third round, dia berlawan dgn jaguh itu sehingga pusingan ketiga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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