Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[sén.dér] | سيندير

Definisi : (sénder) IB, bp pemancar radio. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[sén.dér] | سيندير

Definisi : (séndér); bersender, menyender ber-sandar (pd); menyenderkan menyandarkan (pd). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Kata Terbitan : bersender; menyender, menyenderkan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

senderthe envelope was marked “Return to ~”, sampul surat ditandai “Pulangkan kpd pengirim”.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sendern person who sends (letter, parcel, etc) pengirim, penghantar: the school is trying to trace the ~ of these poison-pen letters, pihak sekolah sedang berusaha mengesan pengirim surat-surat layang ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
self-addressedadj addressed to sender, beralamat sendiri: ~ envelope, sampul surat beralamat sendiri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stamp vt 1. affix postage stamp to, /menampal, membubuhi/ [sst] setem, melekatkan/ setem (pd): the letter was returned to the sender as it was not ~ed, surat itu dipulangkan kpd pengirim krn tdk dibubuhi setem;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
from9. (indic st thought of as a danger, threat, etc) daripada: he saved her ~ drowning, dia menyelamatkannya daripada mati lemas; the tent protected him ~ the wind and rain, khemah itu melindunginya daripada angin dan hujan; 10. (indic differences or contrast) daripada: the town is different ~ what it used to be, bandar itu berbeza daripada dahulunya; it was hard to tell one ~ the other, sukar hendak mengenal yang satu daripada yg lain; 11. showing giver, sender, daripada: a letter ~ the employer, surat daripada majikan; a present ~ the students, hadiah daripada penuntut-penuntut; 12. judging by, daripada, berdasarkan: ~ what we heard last night, the war is nearly over, daripada apa yg kami dengar malam tadi, perang hampir tamat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
get~ off, a. descend, turun dr: he got off his horse and walked over to them, dia turun dr kudanya lalu berjalan ke arah mereka; b. alight (as from vehicle) turun: he got off at Petaling Street, dia turun di Jalan Petaling; c. depart, berangkat, bertolak, pergi: they got off early to avoid the traffic, mereka bertolak awal utk mengelakkan kesesakan lalu lintas; d. be posted or sent, dihantar, dikirim; (not directly by sender) dihantar: please make sure that the cable ~s off as soon as possible, tolong pastikan kawat ini dihantar secepat mungkin;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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