dog | ~ eat ~, saling jatuh-menjatuhkan; a ~’s life, sengsara; die like a ~, die a ~’s death, mati dlm keadaan yg hina; a dirty ~, (colloq) dishonourable or evil person, anjing: he ran away with the old man’s money, the dirty ~, dia melarikan duit orang tua itu, anjing betul; lead a ~’s life, hidup sengsara; not have a ~’s chance, (colloq) tak ada can langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hell-hole | n place characterized by squalor and oppression, tempat sengsara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cruel | adj 1. unkind, merciless, kejam, zalim; (of words, remark, etc) kesat: a ~ stepmother, ibu tiri yg zalim; he was ~ to animals, dia kejam thdp binatang; ~ remarks, kata-kata kesat; 2. distressing, menyayat hati: a ~ sight, pemandangan yg menyayat hati; a ~ fate, nasib malang; suffer a ~ death, mati sengsara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depth | 3. intensity (of emotion, feeling) mendalam; 4. (of colour) kepekatan; 5. (usu in pl) inner, remote part, jauh: we live in the ~s of the country, kami tinggal jauh di pedalaman; creatures living in the ~s of the sea, makhluk-makhluk yg tinggal jauh di dlm laut; 6. (usu in pl) most intense part, a. (of winter) kemuncak; b. (of night) tengah-tengah, jauh, larut; 7. (usu in pl) intense, unfathomable region (of feeling) amat, sangat, sungguh: in the ~s of misery, dlm keadaan yg amat sengsara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |