jerk | vi tersentak(-sentak), tersentap(-sentap): the car ~ed several times and then stopped, kereta itu tersentak-sentak beberapa kali lalu berhenti; the rod ~ed in his hand as the fish took the bait, joran di tangannya tersentak-sentak apabila ikan memakan umpan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jerky | adj 1. (of motion) tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap; (of person or any part of person) kekok, canggung: the ~ motion of the train as it started, kereta api itu bergerak tersentak-sentak semasa mula berjalan; a ~ ride in a bullock cart, perjalanan dgn kereta lembu yg tersentak-sentak; the movement of your arms is too ~, gerak tanganmu terlalu kekok; 2. (of style) tdk lancar, tersangkut-sangkut: a ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stutter | vi bercakap tergagap-gagap; (of machinery) tersentak-sentak: he was raging and ~ing, dia sedang memberang dan bercakap tergagap-gagap; the engine ~ed and died, enjin itu tersentak-sentak lalu mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jerk | give st a ~, /menyentak, menyentap/ sst: to signal by giving the rope a ~, memberi isyarat dgn menyentak tali; in (a series of) ~s, dgn /tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap/: the lorry moved in a series of ~s, lori itu bergerak dgn tersentak-sentak; with a ~, a. with abrupt pulling movement, dgn /menyentak, menyentap/; b. with irregular jolting movement, tersentak(-sentak), tersentap(-sentap): the bus stopped with a ~, bas itu tersentak lalu berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knee -jerk | n sentak lutut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slip-knot | n simpul /hidup, sentak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jerkiness | n (of motion) tersentak-sentak, tersentap-sentap; (of prose style etc) tdk lancar, tersekat-sekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jolt | vi 1. move with series of violent jerks, terlambung-lambung; (of train) tersentak-sentak: the car ~ed along the bumpy road, kereta tersebut terlambung-lambung di sepanjang jalan yg berlekak-lekuk itu; 2. shake violently, bergoncang-goncang: the crates ~ed as the truck proceeded down the narrow mountain road, tong-tong itu bergoncang-goncang semasa lori tersebut menuruni jalan gunung yg sempit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |