Maklumat Kata

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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata separas 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

knee -deepadj 1. immersed up to the knees, /separas, setinggi/ lutut: the mud is ~, lumpur itu separas lutut; 2. deeply involved, tenggelam, terbenam: to be ~ in trouble, tenggelam dlm kesulitan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
highadj 1. of relatively great extent from bottom to top, tinggi: a ~ wall surrounded the prison, sebuah tembok yg tinggi mengelilingi penjara itu; ~ heels, tumit tinggi; a ~ cliff, tebing tinggi; 2. being of a specified height, tingginya, setinggi; (in combination) separas, setinggi: the building is forty storeys ~, bangunan itu empat puluh tingkat tingginya; the water-level is 2 metres ~, paras air setinggi 2 meter; waist - ~, separas pinggang; 3. at, from a great height, tinggi: a ~ dive, junam tinggi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knee -highadj 1. (of person) kecil: I’ve known him since he was only ~, saya kenal dia sejak dia kecil lagi; 2. (of water, grass, etc), /setinggi, separas/ lutut: the plant was almost ~, pokok itu hampir setinggi lutKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hangvi 1. be suspended, a. (gen) tergantung: the picture used to ~ there, gambar itu pernah tergantung di situ; b. (by being placed on a chair, hook, etc) tersangkut; c. (by being spread on a clothes-line, string, etc) tersidai, terampai: the washing is still ~ing on the line, basuhan itu masih tersidai di ampaian; 2. be executed by hanging, digantung: he was to ~ for her murder, dia akan digantung krn membunuh wanita itu; 3. be attached on a hinge, terpasang: the door hung crookedly, pintu itu terpasang senget; 4. fall, flow, a. (of clothes etc) tergantung, menirai: the soft woollen material ~s beautifully, kain bulu yg lembut itu tergantung dgn cantiknya; b. (of hair), (jatuh) terurai: her waist-length hair hung loose, rambutnya yg panjang separas pinggang jatuh terurai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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