few | adj 1. several, a. (foll by noun of measurement) beberapa: in the next ~ days, dlm beberapa hari lagi; a ~ dollars only, beberapa dolar sahaja; he walked for a ~ miles, dia berjalan beberapa batu; b. (foll by other nouns) beberapa + approp classifier: in a ~ well chosen words, dlm beberapa patah perkataan yg berkesan; a ~ friends called in at the house, beberapa orang kawan singgah di rumah; 2. not many, tdk banyak, sedikit saja; (of persons) tdk /banyak, ramai/, sedikit saja: he had ~ chances to enjoy himself, dia tdk mempunyai peluang yg banyak utk bersuka-suka; ~ books have been read by so many people, tdk banyak buku yg dibaca oleh orang seramai itu; ~ people live to be a hundred, tdk ramai orang yg dapat hidup sampai seratus tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |