volley | n 1. shots fired very fast almost at the same time, (of bullets) tembakan serentak; (of arrows) panahan serentak; (stone throwing), /balingan, membaling /serentak: the soldiers fired a ~ as a warning to the rioters, askar-askar melepaskan tembakan serentak sbg amaran kpd perusuh-perusuh itu; a ~ of gunfire, tembakan serentak dgn senapang; a ~ of arrows was let loose by the attackers, panahan serentak dilepaskan oleh penyerang-penyerang itu; 2. barrage, menghujani: she directed a ~ of curses at me when I accidentally stepped on her feet, dia menghujani saya dgn sumpah-seranah apabila saya terpijak kakinya; 3. ( tennis etc) voli; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
together | 2. at the same time, simultaneously, serentak: they were not all singing ~, mereka semua tdk bernyanyi serentak; all his troubles seem to come ~, nampaknya segala kesusahannya datang serentak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simultaneous | adj serentak: ~ offensives on two fronts, serangan yg serentak di dua barisan hadapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
phase | in ~, serentak: the street lights come on in ~, lampu jalan menyala serentak; out of ~, tdk /sekata, selaras/: the windshield wipers were out of ~, pengelap cermin itu tdk selaras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simultaneously | adv serentak: the two men started to speak ~, kedua-dua lelaki itu mulai bercakap serentak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
one | as ~, (dgn) serentak: they all rose as ~ to declare their support, mereka semua berdiri serentak utk menyatakan sokongan mereka; at ~ (with so.), /setuju, sependapat, sepakat/ (dgn sso): they are now at ~ on that issue, mereka sekarang sudah sependapat ttg hal itu; be ~ up on so., /lebih baik drpd, melebihi/ sso: Lawrence felt he was ~ up on the other applicants because of his command of several foreign languages, Lawrence berasa dirinya lebih baik drpd pemohon-pemohon lain krn dia menguasai beberapa bahasa asing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concurrently | adv serentak: the two prison sentences are to run ~, kedua-dua hukuman penjara itu hendaklah berjalan serentak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unison | n; in ~, a. simultaneously, serentak: the children answered in ~, budak-budak itu menjawab serentak; b. singing the same notes, senada: the choir sang in ~, koir itu menyanyi senada; c. in harmony, dlm keadaan harmoni: the men worked together in perfect ~, orang-orang itu bekerja dlm keadaan yg benar-benar harmoni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
one | with ~ voice, a. simultaneously, dgn suara serentak: with ~ voice they all shouted “Long live the Queen!”, dgn suara serentak, mereka semua berteriak “Daulat Tuanku!”; b. also with ~ accord, unanimously, dgn sebulat suara: the members voted for the new regulation with ~ voice, para ahli mengundi menyokong peraturan baru itu dgn sebulat suara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concurrent | adj 1. occurring or existing together, serentak: ~ attacks by land, sea and air, serangan serentak dr darat, laut dan udara; 2. (fml) in agreement, sejajar, selaras: his views on politics are ~ with mine, pandangannya ttg politik sejajar dgn pemandangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |