Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

instantadj 1. immediate, (dgn) serta-merta: to get an ~ response, mendapat jawapan serta-merta; her latest novel was an ~ success, novel terbarunya mendapat kejayaan dgn serta-merta; take an ~ /liking, dislike/ to /so., st/, terus /menyukai, tdk suka akan/ /sso, sst/: my mother took an ~ liking to him, ibu saya terus menyukainya; 2. urgent, segera: the children are in ~ need of help, kanak-kanak itu memerlukan pertolongan segera; 3. (of food) segera: ~ coffee, kopi segera; ~ noodles, mi segera; 4. usu inst., (becoming rare), (bulan) ini: on the 15th inst., pd 15 hari bulan ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
instantaneousadj (dgn) serta-merta: the bullet penetrated his head and death was ~, peluru itu menembusi kepalanya dan dia mati dgn serta-merta; the injection had an ~ effect, suntikan itu mempunyai kesan yg serta-merta.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
instantlyadv (without the least delay), (dgn) serta-merta; (as soon as) sebaik sahaja: he came ~, dia datang dgn serta-merta; “you’re a coward!” he said and ~ regretted it, “kamu pengecut!” katanya dan sebaik sahaja dia mengeluarkan kata-kata itu dia menyesal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forthwithadv (dgn) serta-merta.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
curbvt 1. mengekang, mengendalikan: he ~ed his horse to a sudden stop, dia mengekang kudanya supaya berhenti dgn serta-merta; 2. (fig.) mengawal; (feelings, appetites) mengekang, mengawal: the government tried to ~ rising prices, kerajaan mencuba mengawal kenaikan harga; he could not ~ his anger, dia tdk dapat mengawal kemarahannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deathn 1. cessation of mortal life, kematian, mati; (of royalty) kemangkatan; (of prophet) kewafatan, wafatnya: instant ~, mati serta-merta; burnt to ~, mati terbakar; ~ by drowning, mati lemas; 2. occurrence of death, kematian: accidents have caused many ~s, kemalangan telah menyebabkan banyak kematian; 3. destruction, end, kemusnahan, musnahnya, kehancuran, hancurnya: the ~ of o’s hopes, musnahnya harapan sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
administrationn 1. act of, a. (managing affairs of, government, etc) pentadbiran: problems of ~, masalah pentadbiran; those responsible for the ~ of the country, mereka yg bertanggungjawab thdp pentadbiran negara; b. (executing, meting out) pelaksanaan: ~ of the law, pelaksanaan undang-undang; c. (giving, applying as remedy) pemberian: the immediate ~ of an anti dote is of the utmost importance, pemberian penawar racun dgn serta-merta amatlah penting; d. (tendering, imposing) pentadbiran; 2. governing body, pentadbiran: the head of ~ at the institute, ketua pentadbiran di institut itu; the Mahathir ~, pentadbiran Mahathir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dead~ asleep, tidur /mati, nyenyak, lenyak, lena, lelap/; ~ drunk, terlalu mabuk, mabuk /bunga selasih, benar, betul/; be ~ against, be directly opposed to, tdk bersetuju langsung: she was ~ against the plan, dia tdk bersetuju langsung dgn rancangan itu; be ~ set on, /berazam, bertekad/ utk; (thing rel to st of less serious nature) beria-ia, ingin benar: to be ~ set on becoming a doctor, berazam utk menjadi doktor; the child was ~ set on going home, kanak-kanak itu beria-ia hendak pulang; stop ~, a. (of person, animal) berhenti (dgn) serta-merta; b. (of engine etc) mati: my car stopped ~ in the middle of the bridge, kereta saya mati di tengah-tengah jambatan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
awaye. far removed from, jauh dr: a little house in the country ~ from the bustle of city life, rumah kecil di desa, jauh dr kesibukan kota; he sat near the window, ~ from his ex-wife, dia duduk dekat tingkap, jauh dr bekas isterinya; ~ with you, pergi, nyah engkau; ~ with /him, them, etc/, bawa /dia, mereka, dsb/ pergi; /far, out/ and ~, a. (preceding compar) jauh lebih: they are both brilliant, but Salleh is far and ~ the more brilliant of the two, mereka kedua-duanya pandai tetapi antara kedua-duanya itu, Salleh jauh lebih pandai; b. (preceding superl), [not translated]: Malaysia is far and ~ the world’s biggest producer of natural rubber, Malaysia ialah pengeluar getah asli yg paling besar di dunia; miles ~, (fig.) day-dreaming, sedang /melamun, mengelamun, berkhayal/; /right, straight/ ~, sekarang juga; (promptly), (dgn) segera, dgn serta-merta, cepat-cepat: I’ll go right ~, saya pergi sekarang juga; you must tell me straight ~ if you feel ill, kamu mesti memberitahu saya dgn segera jika kamu berasa kurang sihat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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