kindred | adj 1. related, serumpun: English, Dutch and other ~ languages, bahasa Inggeris, bahasa Belanda, dan bahasa-bahasa lain yg serumpun; 2. similar, serupa, sama: rain, snow and ~ phenomena, hujan, salji dan fe | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cognate | adj 1. descended from common ancestor, seketurunan, kognat: ~ families, keluarga-keluarga seketurunan; 2. (of languages) serumpun: Spanish and Italian are ~ languages, bahasa Sepanyol dan bahasa Itali ialah bahasa serumpun; 3. of similar nature or character, sejenis, sama sifatnya: painting and other ~ forms of art, lukisan dan bentuk-bentuk seni yg lain yg sama sifatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clump | n 1. cluster, rumpun, kelompok: a ~ of bamboo, serumpun buluh; in ~s, berumpun-rumpun, berkelompok-kelompok: shrubs growing in ~s, pokok renek yg tumbuh berkelompok-kelompok; 2. lump, gumpal: a ~ of earth, segumpal tanah; 3. (of sound) bunyi derap: the ~ of boots, bunyi derap but; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluster | n 1. number of things of the same kind, growing together, a. (of plant) rumpun: a ~ of daisies, serumpun bunga daisi; b. (of fruit) gugus(an); c. (of hair) jambak: a ~ of curls, sejambak gulungan rambut; d. (of mushrooms) kelompok; 2. number of things found in a small close group, a. (of buildings, people) kelompok: there was a ~ of fans round the beautiful singer, terdapat sekelompok peminat di keliling penyanyi yg cantik itu; b. (of stars, islands) gugus(an); c. (of bees etc) kelompok; 3. (ling) gugus: consonant ~, gugus konsonan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |