astray | adj & adv (ter)sesat, salah jalan; go ~, (ter)sesat, salah jalan; (in o’s calculations) tersalah kira: if you follow the path you will not go ~, kalau kamu ikut lorong itu kamu tdk akan sesat; you have gone ~ somewhere in your calculations, kamu telah tersalah kira; lead so. ~, a. menyebabkan sso sesat; b. (fig.) menyesatkan sso: she was led ~ by her so-called friend,dia disesatkan oleh orang yg dianggapnya sbg kawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heretical | adj menyeleweng, sesat: ~ beliefs, kepercayaan yg menyeleweng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heresy | n bidaah yg /menyeleweng, sesat/: Martin Luther was excommunicated for ~, Martin Luther dikucilkan krn bidaahnya yg menyeleweng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheep | vi bercip, menciap: a lost chick ~ing for its mother, anak ayam yg sesat itu menciap memanggil ibunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damnable | adj 1. deserving damnation, patut /dilaknat, dikutuk/: ~ heresies, bidaah yg sesat yg patut dikutuk; 2. utter, hateful, semata-mata, betul-betul: ~ lies, bohong semata-mata or betul-betul bohong; 3. (colloq) detestable, teruk: the ~ weather is getting me down, cuaca yg teruk membuat saya muram. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ to, mengikut: ~ to the road or you’ll get lost, ikut jalan itu, kalau tdk kamu akan sesat; we will ~ to the plan agreed upon, kami akan mengikut rancangan yg telah kita setujui; ~ to the left, ikut kiri; ~ to the point, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exposure | 2. hypothermia, (keadaan) terdedah kpd cuaca sejuk: he died of ~ after being lost on the mountain, dia mati akibat terdedah kpd cuaca sejuk semasa sesat di atas gunung itu; 3. publicity, dedahan: the event has been given the widest possible ~, peristiwa itu diberikan dedahan yg seluas-luasnya; 4. (photog) a. (amount of light) dedahan cahaya; b. (photograph) gambar: the film has 20 ~s, kita boleh mengambil 20 gambar dgn filem ini; c. (act, process) pendedahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | vi 1. head for, lead to (a specified direction) menuju: they bore right and soon lost their way, mereka menuju ke kanan dan tdk lama kemudian mereka pun sesat; the road ~s south, jalan itu menuju ke selatan; 2. produce fruit, berbuah: it takes a number of years for the tree to ~, pohon itu mengambil masa beberapa tahun utk berbuah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopelessly | adv 1. despairingly, dgn rasa putus asa: he shook his head ~, dia menggelengkan kepalanya dgn rasa putus asa; 2. impossibly, betul-betul: we were ~ lost in the thick jungle, kami betul-betul sesat dlm hutan tebal itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | 7. find what is sought, menjumpai, menemui: the drillers finally ~ oil, penggerudi-penggerudi itu akhirnya menjumpai minyak; 8. arrive at, sampai ke: we were lost for an hour before we ~ the main road, kami sesat selama sejam sebelum sampai ke jalan besar; 9. reach, mencapai; (a low point) jatuh ke: this car can ~ a speed of 150 kph, kereta ini boleh mencapai had laju 150 kmsj; the price of oil ~ an all-time low, harga minyak jatuh ke paras yg paling rendah; 10. appear in or on, a. (of product) muncul: there was a rush for the product when it first ~ the market, orang berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan keluaran itu apabila keluaran berkenaan pertama kali muncul di pasaran; b. (of news) tersiar: the story ~ the front pages in all the local newspapers, cerita itu tersiar di muka depan semua akhbar tempatan; c. (of magazine, newspaper) mula dijual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |