after | adj 1. later, succeeding, kemudian, /selepas, sesudah/ itu: in ~ years, pd tahun-tahun kemudian; 2. (naut ) buritan: the ~ cabins, kabin buritan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | adv 1. behind, in pursuit, kemudian, selepasnya, sesudahnya: he went first, his wife came ~, dia pergi dahulu, isterinya datang kemudian; 2. later, kemudian, /selepas, sesudah/ itu: I only heard about it months ~, saya hanya mendengar ttg perkara itu beberapa bulan kemudian; soon ~, tdk lama kemudian; /a, the/ /day, week, etc/ ~, /sehari, seminggu dll/ /selepas itu, sesudah itu, kemudian/, pd /hari, minggu, dll/ berikutnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afterwards, (US) afterward | adv (at a later time) kemudian, nanti, kelak; (subsequently) kemudian, /selepas, sesudah/ itu: he will see you ~, dia akan berjumpa dgn kamu kemudian; they left shortly ~, mereka bertolak tdk lama kemudian; he took her to a party and ~ took her home, dia membawa gadis itu ke suatu majlis dan kemudian menghantarnya pulang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alone | /leave, let/ /so., st,/ ~, a. (lit.) meninggalkan sso sendirian: I would like to be left ~ now, saya ingin ditinggalkan sendirian sekarang; b. not disturb, meddle with, touch so., st, tdk, /mengganggu, mengusik(-usik)/ /sso, sst/; (imper) jangan /ganggu, usik(-usik)/: he kept pulling the cat’s tail and wouldn’t leave it ~, dia menarik-narik ekor kucing itu, dan tdk mahu berhenti mengganggunya; after that, they left me completely ~, sesudah itu mereka sedikit pun tdk mengganggu saya lagi; leave my books ~, jangan usik-usik buku saya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
following | prep selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ the riots six men were charged, selepas rusuhan itu, enam orang lelaki didakwa di mahkamah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | conj 1. previous to the time when, sebelum: ~ he could reach the hand brake, the car had started moving, sebelum dia sempat mencapai brek tangan, kereta itu sudah bergerak; I must finish my work ~ I go home, saya mesti menyelesaikan kerja saya sebelum pulang; pay us a visit ~ you leave, kunjungilah kami sebelum tuan berangkat; it was /two, three, etc/ /days, months, etc/ ~ ... , /sesudah, selepas/ /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ barulah ... , /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ kemudian barulah ...: it was several days ~ order could be restored, sesudah beberapa hari barulah ketenteraman dapat dipulihkan; it will be /two, three, etc/ /days, months, etc / ~ ..., /sesudah, selepas/ /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ barulah ..., /dua, tiga dsb/ /hari, bulan dsb/ /lagi, nanti/ barulah ...: it will be five years ~ we meet again, lima tahun lagi barulah kita berjumpa pula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | prep 1. following in time, selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ lunch, selepas makan tengah hari; ~ a short rest, selepas berehat sebentar; ~ the wedding, selepas majlis perkahwinan; 2. following continually, dr [ n ] ke [n ], demi; (of period of time) dr se [ n ] ke se [ n ], berganti: line ~ line, dr satu baris ke satu baris; mistake ~ mistake, kesilapan demi kesilapan; they worked day ~ day, mereka bekerja dr sehari ke sehari; 3. following in place, selepas, sesudah: my name was ~ his on the list, nama saya selepas namanya dlm senarai itu; Q comes ~ P in the alphabet, dlm abjad, Q ialah selepas P; 4. behind, dr belakang, [sometimes not translated]: she followed ~ him, dia mengikutinya dr belakang; please close the door ~ you, tolong tutup pintu; he dragged the broken branch ~ him, dia mengheret dahan patah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 4. recess, waktu rehat; (in a journey) berhenti berehat: the play lasts for three hours with only one ~, lakonan itu tiga jam lamanya dgn sekali saja waktu rehat; during a ~ in the journey, he took photographs of the castle, sewaktu berhenti berehat dlm perjalanan, dia mengambil gambar kastil itu; /coffee, tea/ ~, waktu minum; lunch ~, waktu makan tengah hari; commercial ~, waktu iklan; 5. discontinuation, putusnya, terputus: after a ~ of two years, their correspondence was renewed, sesudah terputus selama dua tahun, perhubungan surat menyurat antara mereka diteruskan semula; 6. rupture in relationship, putusnya (hubungan), terputus: the couple had drifted apart, but the final ~ did not occur until their daughter’s marriage, hubungan pasangan itu memang sudah renggang tetapi hanya terputus sesudah anak perempuan mereka berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | e. subside, surut; (of wind, storm) reda: the swelling is beginning to ~ down, benjol itu mulai surut; the wind went down after sunset, angin reda sesudah senja; f. be swallowed, ditelan: these pills don’t ~ down easily, pil-pil ini sukar ditelan; g. find acceptance, diterima: his explanation didn’t ~ down well, keterangannya tdk diterima dgn baik; h. be set down in writing, tercatat: the event will ~ down in history books, peristiwa itu akan tercatat dlm buku-buku sejarah; i. be defeated, fail, tewas, kalah: he went down in the third set, dia kalah dlm set ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 10. also ~ down (of health etc) rosak: her health broke down under the strain, kesihatannya rosak akibat tekanan itu; 11. (ref to natural phenomena) a. (of fine weather) become bad, menjadi buruk: after three fine days the weather broke, sesudah tiga hari baik, cuaca menjadi buruk; b. (of storm) begin, mula membadai: the storm broke, ribut mula membadai; c. (of waves) menghempas [ke], memecah [di]: the crash of the waves ~ing against the rocks, bunyi pukulan ombak yg menghempas ke batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |