extent | to /a certain, some/ ~, setakat tertentu; to a great ~, sebahagian besarnya; to such an ~ that, sedemikian rupa sehinggakan; to the ~ of, (a certain amount), /hingga, sampai/ sebanyak; to what ~, setakat mana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | go ~ /to do st, towards st/, membantu, menolong: the money donated by their neighbours will go ~ to pay for the hospital bills, wang yg diderma oleh jiran-jiran mereka akan membantu mereka membayar bil hospital; in so ~ as, insofar as [various translations]: your suggestion is useful in so ~ as pensioners are concerned, cadangan tuan berguna setakat pesara-pesara sahaja; she is different from the rest in so ~ as she seems unimpressed by any show of wealth, dia berbeza drpd yg lain dlm erti kata dia tdk kagum dgn kekayaan; so ~, /setakat, sejauh/ ini: so ~ his work has been satisfactory, setakat ini, kerjanya memuaskan; so ~ and no further, setakat ini dan tdk lebih drpd ini; so ~ so good, setakat ini tdk ada apa-apa masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-way | adv midway, /separuh, setengah/ jalan: they’ll probably be ~ there by now, mereka mungkin telah sampai separuh jalan ke sana sekarang ini; the rope reaches only ~, tali itu setakat separuh jalan sahaja; he’s ~ through the four-year course, dia baru separuh jalan mengikuti kursus empat tahun itu; he swam ~ across the river, dia berenang separuh jalan menyeberangi sungai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
date1 | bear /a, the/ ~, bertarikh; /be, go/ out of ~, ketinggalan zaman, sudah lapuk: that information is out of ~, maklumat itu ketinggalan zaman; bring so. up to ~, memberitahu sso ttg /perkembangan, kejadian, dll/ yg terakhir; bring st up to ~, mengemaskinikan sst: she brought the files up to ~, dia mengemaskinikan fail-fail itu; go out on a ~, keluar dgn teman /lelaki, wanita/; keep up to ~, mengemaskinikan: he has to keep up to ~ with his reading, dia mesti mengemaskinikan pembacaannya; keep st up to ~, mengemaskinikan sst: to keep a diary up to ~, mengemaskinikan buku harian; to ~, /setakat, sehingga/ ini, hingga sekarang: no replies have been received to ~, setakat ini tiada jawapan yg telah diterima; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | ~ from it, malahan sso + approp adj: he is not a fool; ~ from it, dia bukannya bodoh; malahan dia pandai; ~ gone, a. be very ill, keadaan [sso] terlalu teruk: there’s no way of saving him, he is too ~ gone, dia tdk dapat diselamatkan krn keadaannya terlalu teruk; b. be very drunk, terlalu mabuk; c. be mad, (sudah) gila; d. be very much in debt, hutang [sso] terlalu banyak: he is ~ gone in debt, dia terlalu teruk dibebani hutang; ~ into the night, hingga /larut, jauh/ malam: they talked ~ into the night, mereka berbual hingga larut malam; ~ off, jauh; as ~ as, setakat; (in distance) sejauh: he will help you as ~ as he can, dia akan menolongmu setakat yg dia mampu; as ~ as the eye can see, sejauh mata memandang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establish | b. make arrangements to speak (to so.) through wireless etc, menghubungi: due to some mechanical fault they were unable to ~ radio contact with the ship, disebabkan kerosakan mekanik mereka tdk dpt menghubungi kapal itu melalui radio; 2. (determine) memastikan; (prove) membuktikan: we have so far been unable to ~ where he was at the time, setakat ini kami tdk dapat memastikan di mana dia berada pd masa itu; an inquest was held to ~ the cause of death, satu inkues diadakan utk memastikan sebab kematian; it has been ~ed that the accused knew about her husband’s illegal dealings, telah dibuktikan bahawa yg tertuduh tahu ttg urusan haram suaminya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | by ~s, sedikit demi sedikit; not in the slightest ~, tdk sedikit pun, sama sekali tdk; to a ~, exceedingly, amat, sungguh, sangat, terlalu: she is fastidious to a ~, dia terlalu cerewet; to /a high, the highest/ ~, terlampau, tersangat: to be stubborn to a high ~, terlampau degil; to what ~, /sejauh, setakat/ mana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | n 1. unit of measurement, darjah: ~ of longitude, darjah longitud; 30 ~s Fahrenheit, 30 darjah Fahrenheit; an angle of 90 ~s,sudut 90 darjah; 2. stage in scale of intensity, tingkat, tahap: varying ~s of skill, tingkat kemahiran yg berbeza-beza; a high ~ of intelligence,tingkat kecerdasan yg tinggi; 3. extent, /sejauh, setakat/ mana: the ~ of freedom which should be allowed, sejauh mana kebebasan patut dibenarkan; 4. measure, sedikit sebanyak, [or not translated]: we all need a ~ of self-discipline, kita semua memerlukan sedikit sebanyak disiplin diri; to have a considerable ~ of influence, mempunyai pengaruh yg besar; 5. social status, martabat, darjat, taraf: a man of low ~, lelaki yg rendah martabatnya; 6. academic title, ijazah: a master’s ~, ijazah sarjana; 7. (gram.) darjah: the superlative ~, darjah superlatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |