co-ordinate, coordinate | adj 1. (gram.) setara: ~ conjuction, kata penghubung setara; 2. (chem) koordinat: ~ covalency, kovalensi koordinat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commensurate | adj (fml) proportionate, setara, sepadan: the pay is not ~ with the responsibility involved, gajinya tdk setara dgn tanggungjawab yg dipikul; the job is ~ with his ability, pekerjaan itu sepadan dgn kebolehannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equestrian | n approp n + yg sama; (tech) approp n + yg setara; (of word, phrase) padanan: he will receive $100 or its ~ in books, dia akan menerima $100 atau nilai yg sama dlm bentuk buku; (be) the ~ of, (approp n) sama spt; (tech) approp n + yg setara dgn; (of word, phrase) padanan utk: SIRIM, the ~ of British Standards Institution, SIRIM, institusi yg sama spt British Standards Institution; one slice of cheese is the ~ of a glass of milk, satu keping keju sama spt segelas susu; the metric ~ of one pound, sukatan metrik yg setara dgn satu paun; what is the exact Malay ~ of the word “innocent?”, apakah padanan yg tepat dlm bahasa Malaysia bagi perkataan “innocent?”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
co-ordinate clause | n kalimat setara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compeer | n 1. peer, /teman, rakan/ setara; 2. comrade, teman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incommensurate | adj 1. not equal in measure, size, etc, tdk sebanding: his ability is ~ with that of his colleagues, kebolehannya tdk sebanding dgn kebolehan rakan sejawatnya; 2. not proportionate, tdk /setimpal, setara/: his salary is ~ with the responsibilities given him, gajinya tdk setimpal dgn tanggungjawab yg diberikan padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equable | adj 1. even-tempered, tenang: she replied to the interruption in an ~ voice, dia menjawab celahan itu dgn suara yg tenang; because of his ~ nature, I find it very pleasant to work with him, disebabkan sifatnya yg tenang saya mendapati seronok bekerja dengannya; 2. uniform, setara: an ~ climate, iklim yg setara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equivalent | adj 1. equal in value, amount, etc, sama; (ref to word, phrase) padanan: you can exchange those sweets for an ~ amount of chocolates, kamu boleh menukar gula-gula ini dgn coklat yg sama banyaknya; this is ~ to five Malaysian ringgit, wang ini sama nilainya dgn lima ringgit Malaysia; the ~ English phrase is longer, frasa padanan dlm bahasa Inggeris lebih panjang; 2. (math) setara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |