issue | there will be an ~ of commemorative stamps to mark the occasion, setem kenang-kenangan akan dikeluarkan sempena perayaan itu; day of ~, hari [sst] dikeluarkan: I bought the stamp on the day of ~, saya membeli setem itu pd hari setem tersebut dikeluarkan; c. (publishing) penerbitan; d. (offering securities for sale to investors) terbitan: the ~ of more shares would certainly surprise the brokers, penerbitan lebih banyak lagi saham tentu saja akan memeranjatkan para broker; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adhere | vi stick fast, melekat: the stamp did not ~, setem itu tdk melekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interested | adj 1. having interest, keen, berminat: we wanted to show him our stamp collection but he was not ~ to see it, kami hendak menunjukkan kepadanya koleksi setem kami tetapi dia tdk berminat utk melihatnya; my brother wants to sell his car. Are you ~?, abang saya hendak menjual keretanya. Kamu berminat?; 2. (of look etc) showing interest, (dgn) penuh minat: she gave him an ~ look, dia memandang lelaki itu dgn penuh minat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cancel | vt 1. delete, cross out, memotong, mencoret: to ~ a whole paragraph, memotong keseluruhan perenggan; 2. deface etc to prevent use, membatalkan: to ~ a cheque, membatalkan cek; to ~ a postage stamp, membatalkan setem; 3. call off, membatalkan: to ~ a match, membatalkan perlawanan; to ~ a meeting, membatalkan mesyuarat; 4. nullify, membatalkan: to ~ o’s leave, membatalkan cuti; to ~ an order, membatalkan pesanan; 5. usu ~ out, wipe out, meluputkan: a good deed which ~s out his past misconduct, suatu amal jariah yg meluputkan kelakuan buruknya pd masa lampau; 6. (math) membatalkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | vt 1. send out officially, put into circulation, mengeluarkan; (invitation) menghantar: these new orders were ~d yesterday, perintah baru ini dikeluarkan semalam; a warrant for his arrest has been ~d, waran penangkapannya telah dikeluarkan; to ~ a press release, mengeluarkan siaran akhbar; a commemorative stamp will be ~d to mark the hundredth anniversary of the revolution, setem kenang-kenangan akan dikeluarkan utk memperingati ulang tahun keseratus revolusi tersebut; to ~ new banknotes, mengeluarkan wang kertas baru bank; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collect | vt 1. gather together, mengumpulkan: she ~ed all the books on the table, dia mengumpulkan semua buku yg ada di atas meja; he ~ed his friends for the party, dia mengumpulkan kawan-kawannya utk majlis itu; 2. accumulate (as hobby) mengumpul: to ~ stamps, mengumpul setem; she ~s antiques, dia mengumpul barang-barang antik; 3. call for, receive (rent, payment, taxes, etc) memungut, mengutip; (pension) mengambil: the landlord ~s the rent every month, tuan rumah itu memungut sewa rumah setiap bulan; 4. fetch, mengambil: the parcel was ~ed this morning, bungkusan itu diambil pagi ini; has she gone to ~ her son from school yet?, sudahkah dia pergi mengambil anaknya dr sekolah?; 5. regain control of, menenangkan: to ~ o’s thoughts, menenangkan fikiran; ~ os, bertenang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first-class | adj 1. of the best type, a. (of accomodation etc) kelas satu: a ~ ticket to Istanbul, tiket kelas satu ke Istanbul; two weeks in a ~ hotel, menginap dua minggu di hotel kelas satu; this train only has one ~ carriage, kereta api ini mempunyai hanya satu gerabak kelas satu; b. (of mailing system) kelas pertama: a ~ postage stamp costs 29 pence, setem kelas pertama berharga 29 pence; ~ mail reaches its destination within 24 hours, mel kelas pertama sampai ke destinasinya dlm masa 24 jam; c. (of academic degrees) kelas /satu, pertama/: ~ honours in mathematics, kelas satu dgn kepujian dlm matematik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
any | 5. every, setiap, sebarang, mana /pun, saja/: she will buy ~ dress that strikes her fancy, setiap baju yg menarik hatinya akan dibelinya; 6. great, unlimited (in amount) berapa [banyak] pun, se[banyak] mana pun: ~ quantity you desire, berapa banyak pun yg kamu mahu or sebanyak mana pun yg kamu mahu; 7. even one of (in number), [not translated]; (emphatic) se + classifier pun: they haven’t ~ children, mereka tdk ada anak; I couldn’t find ~ stamps in the drawer, sekeping setem pun tdk terdapat di dlm laci itu; 8. even the smallest amount of, [not translated]; (emphatic) sedikit pun, se + classifier pun: I haven’t ~ money, saya tdk ada wang sesen pun; 9. even the shortest (length of time, distance) walau [adv] pun: he could not walk ~ distance without falling, jika dia berjalan walau setapak pun dia akan jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | /cloud, confuse/ the ~, mengelirukan /isu, persoalan/; /evade, duck/ the ~, mengelak drpd sst /isu, persoalan/; 2. result, consequence, hasil + approp n: we await the ~ with interest, kami menunggu hasil perbincangan itu dgn penuh minat; 3. st put forth, produced, supplied, (of newspaper, magazine, etc) terbitan; (of stamp) keluaran; (of shares, bonds, etc) terbitan; (of uniform, firearms, etc) bekalan: he has a copy of the first ~ of the paper, dia mempunyai senaskhah terbitan pertama akhbar tersebut; she usually buys samples of each new stamp ~, dia selalunya membeli contoh setiap setem keluaran baru; new share ~s, terbitan saham baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | n 1. number of written, printed pages bound together, buku; (scripture, religious or learned works) kitab; (archaic) pustaka, kitab; (book of divination) kitab; 2. number of blank or ruled sheets bound together, buku; 3. (colloq) magazine, majalah; 4. (in pl) ledgers etc recording financial transactions, buku /kira-kira, akaun/; 5. libretto (of opera) libreto; 6. main division of the Bible, long novel, etc, buku; 7. booklike package of similar items, buku; (of matches) papan: a ~ of tickets, satu buku tiket; a ~ of stamps, satu buku setem; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |