flat-iron | n seterika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ironing-board | n bangku seterika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cordless | adj tanpa kord: a ~ iron, seterika tanpa kord. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heat | vi usu ~ up, rise in temperature, semakin /panas, hangat/: the iron is ~ing up, seterika itu semakin panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | n 1. long, thin piece of sawn timber, papan; 2. flat piece of wood etc used for specif purpose, papan: cutting ~, papan potong; diving ~, papan junam; ironing ~, papan seterika; 3. meals supplied at contract price etc, makanan: free ~, makanan percuma; ~ and lodging, makanan dan penginapan; 4. administrative group, any committee or council, lembaga: ~ of directors, lembaga pengarah; ~ of trustees, lembaga pemegang amanah; a selection ~, lembaga pemilih; a ~ meeting, mesyuarat lembaga; 5. notice-board, papan kenyataan; 6. blackboard, papan hitam; 7. stiff cardboard etc, for the outside covers of book, papan kertas; 8. (in indoor games) papan: draught ~, papan dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | adj 1. level and horizontal, datar: the floor is not ~, lantai itu tdk datar; the house has a ~ roof, rumah itu berbumbung datar; 2. even, rata: every morning the butler smoothed the newspaper ~ with a warm iron, setiap pagi butler itu menyeterika rata surat khabar dgn seterika yg suam; 3. having little depth, thickness, leper: a ~ plate, pinggan leper; ~ cakes, kek leper; a ~ cap, topi leper; ~ shoes, kasut leper; 4. with broad, level surface, a. (of face) leper, pipih; b. (of nose) pesek, penyek, pipih; 5. (of tyre) deflated, kempis; 6. definite, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: he gave a ~ refusal to their request, dia menolak bulat-bulat permintaan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | and that’s ~, dan tutup cerita: you’re getting no pocket money this week, and that’s ~!, kamu tak dapat wang saku minggu ini, dan tutup cerita; fall ~, tdk menjadi: the joke fell ~, jenaka itu tdk menjadi; fall ~ on o’s face, jatuh /terserembab, tersembam/; fold ~, dapat dilipat leper: the ironing board folds ~ and fits easily in the cupboard, papan seterika itu dapat dilipat leper dan masuk muat-muat dlm almari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iron | n 1. (metallic element) besi; (found in food, blood) zat besi: ~ and steel industry, industri besi dan keluli; ~ bars, batang besi; a wrought ~ gate, pintu pagar yg dibuat drpd besi tempa; spinach has high ~ content, bayam mengandungi zat besi yg banyak; 2. implement, tool made of iron, besi: soldering ~, besi pematerian; hot ~s were used to torture prisoners, besi panas digunakan utk menyeksa banduan; branding ~, besi penyelar; 3. implement for pressing clothes, seterika; 4. golf-club with metal or steel heads, kayu golf besi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |