squatter | n one who settles illegally on land or in building, setinggan: the police turned the ~s out of the flat, polis menghalau setinggan-setinggan keluar dr rumah pangsa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rehouse | vt menempatkan [sso] di kediaman baru: the council will ~ the evicted squatters, pihak majlis akan menempatkan setinggan-setinggan yg telah diusir di kediaman baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | 3. furthest possible, paling jauh: plans are afoot to resettle the squatters at the ~ edge of the town, rancangan telah dibuat utk menempatkan semula setinggan-setinggan itu di bahagian pinggir bandar yg paling jauh; the aeroplane was at the ~ end of the runway, kapal terbang itu berada di bahagian paling hujung landasan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
title | 5. championship in sport, kejuaraan; the world heavyweight ~, kejuaraan heavyweight dunia; they had beaten Manchester and retained the ~, mereka telah mengalahkan Manchester dan mengekalkan kejuaraan itu; 6. (leg.) a. entitlement, legal right to ownership of land, property, hak milik: the squatters had no ~ to the land, setinggan-setinggan itu tdk ada hak milik ke atas tanah mereka; b. deed, document that gives one legal ownership of land etc, surat ikatan hak milik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | ~ with, a. see vt (sense 5.); b. place (so.) in the care of, meninggalkan [sso] di bawah jagaan; (colloq) meninggalkan [sso] dgn: she left the child with the baby-sitter, dia meninggalkan anaknya di bawah jagaan seorang pengasuh; you can ~ your daughter with me while you go shopping, kamu boleh tinggalkan anak kamu dgn saya semasa kamu pergi membeli-belah; be left with, have in o’s possession, be responsible for, tinggal: I was left with all the difficult decisions, tinggallah saya utk membuat semua keputusan yg sukar; the squatters were left with nothing after the fire, setinggan-setinggan itu tinggal sehelai sepinggang selepas kebakaran tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | ~ with, a. see vt (sense 5.); b. place (so.) in the care of, meninggalkan [sso] di bawah jagaan; (colloq) meninggalkan [sso] dgn: she left the child with the baby-sitter, dia meninggalkan anaknya di bawah jagaan seorang pengasuh; you can ~ your daughter with me while you go shopping, kamu boleh tinggalkan anak kamu dgn saya semasa kamu pergi membeli-belah; be left with, have in o’s possession, be responsible for, tinggal: I was left with all the difficult decisions, tinggallah saya utk membuat semua keputusan yg sukar; the squatters were left with nothing after the fire, setinggan-setinggan itu tinggal sehelai sepinggang selepas kebakaran tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
solution | there seems to be no ~ to the squatter problem, nampaknya tdk ada penyelesaian bagi masalah setinggan; it was a political ~ to what was in essence an economic problem, itu merupakan penyelesaian politik bagi masalah yg pd dasarnya ialah masalah ekonomi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
saturation point | 2. (fig.) takat maksimum: accomodation in squatter areas has almost reached ~, tempat penginapan di kawasan setinggan hampir mencapai takat maksimum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squat | n 1. squatting position, (duduk) /mencangkung, bertinggung, berjongkok/; 2. building in which squatters live, rumah setinggan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encroachment | n act, instance of encroaching, a. (on another’s territory) pemasukan [sso, sst] ke: the ~ of squatters on our land, pemasukan setinggan ke tanah kami; b. (on another’s rights, privileges) pencerobohan, mencerobohi: he complained about the ~ of his job on his leisure time, dia merungut ttg kerja yg mencerobohi masa lapangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |