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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

speck d. (of cloud etc) tompok: a clear blue sky without even a ~ of cloud, langit biru yg cerah tanpa setompok awan pun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pointb. decimal point, perpuluhan: the project cost one ~ five million dollars ($1.5m), projek itu menelan belanja satu perpuluhan lima juta ringgit ($1.5j); 4. tiny dot, mark of light, colour, setompok: I could see a ~ of light in the darkness, dalam keadaan gelap itu saya ternampak setompok cahaya; 5. place, locality, tempat: the train stops at only four ~s between the two cities, kereta api itu hanya berhenti di empat buah tempat di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu; 6. particular time, instant, ketika: they started to argue at which ~ I left,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
patch2. part of surface that’s different, tompok; (of a bald part on person’s head) bahagian: the dog is white with a black ~ in the middle of its back, anjing itu berwarna putih dan mempunyai tompok hitam di tengah-tengah belakangnya; the lamp threw a ~ of light on the table, lampu itu menyoroti setompok cahaya di atas meja; a bald ~ on his head, bahagian botak di kepalanya; 3. (of rain, fog, etc) di sana sini: there will be ~es of rain on the west coast in the afternoon, hujan turun di sana sini di pantai barat pd sebelah petang; 4. part, section, bahagian: there are ~es of humour throughout the tragedy,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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