arbitrariness | n 1. capriciousness, cara /sewenang-sewenang, sembarangan/: the ~ of his choice, cara sewenang-wenang dia membuat pilihannya; 2. despotism, /sifat, cara/ diktator. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arbitrary | adj 1. capricious, random, (approp v + secara) /sewenang-wenang, sembarangan/: an ~ decision, keputusan sembarangan or keputusan yg dibuat secara sembarangan; he used his power in a purely ~ manner, dia menggunakan kuasanya secara sembarangan semata-mata; 2. despotic, diktator: ~ rule, pemerintahan diktator; 3. dependent on decision of judge, tribunal, etc, arbitrari: ~ confiscation, perampasan arbitrari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
killing | n (slaying) pembunuhan: the troops tried to avoid unnecessary ~, askar-askar itu mencuba mengelakkan pembunuhan yg sewenang-wenang; the ~ of an innocent child, pembunuhan seorang kanak-kanak yg tdk berdosa; make a ~, men | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | b. (colloq), (as if with authority) bercakap macam /bijak pandai, tahu benar/: he lays down the ~ on subjects he knows nothing about, dia bercakap macam tahu benar ttg perkara yg langsung tdk diketahuinya; possession is nine points of the ~, berhak, mempunyai hak; (so’s) word is ~, perintah: around here, her word is ~, di tempat ini, kata-katanya ialah perintah; take the ~ into o’s own hands, bertindak /sesuka hati, sewenang-wenang/: no one is entitled to take the ~ into his own hands, tdk seorang pun boleh bertindak sesuka hati; the (long) arm of the ~, (humourous) polis: you can’t escape the long arm of the ~, kamu tdk boleh lari dr polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |